-- Checked with Agda and Standard Library 2.0

{-# OPTIONS --safe --large-indices --no-forced-argument-recursion #-}

module BinomialTabulation where

open import Function renaming (_$_ to infixr 5 _$_)
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Char using (Char)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

  a b c          : Set
  k m n          : 
  x              : a
  xs             : Vec a n
  p p' q q' r r' : a  Set

-- Section 2.1

module ShapeIndexing where

  data B :     Set  Set where
    tipZ : a              B n        zero   a
    tipS : a              B (suc k) (suc k) a
    bin  : B n (suc k) a
          B n      k  a  B (suc n) (suc k) a

  bounded : B n k a  k  n
  bounded (tipZ _)  = z≤n
  bounded (tipS _)  = ≤-refl
  bounded (bin _ u) = s≤s (bounded u)

  unbounded : B k (suc k) a  
  unbounded (bin t u) = unbounded u

  mapB : (a  b)  B n k a  B n k b
  mapB f (tipZ x)  = tipZ (f x)
  mapB f (tipS x)  = tipS (f x)
  mapB f (bin t u) = bin (mapB f t) (mapB f u)

  unTipB : B n n a  a
  unTipB (tipZ x)  = x
  unTipB (tipS x)  = x
  unTipB (bin t _) = ⊥-elim (unbounded t)

  zipBWith : (a  b  c)  B n k a  B n k b  B n k c
  zipBWith f (tipZ x)   (tipZ y)   = tipZ (f x y)
  zipBWith f (tipS x)   u          = tipS (f x (unTipB u))
  zipBWith f (bin t _)  (tipS _)   = ⊥-elim (unbounded t)
  zipBWith f (bin t t') (bin u u') = bin (zipBWith f t u) (zipBWith f t' u')

  cd : 1  k  k < n  B n k a  B n (1 + k) (Vec a (1 + k))
  cd () _            (tipZ _)
  cd _ 1+k<1+k       (tipS _)                       = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl refl 1+k<1+k)
  cd _ _             (bin   (tipS y  )   (tipZ z )) = tipS (y  z  [])
  cd _ _             (bin   (tipS y  ) u@(bin _ _)) = tipS (y  unTipB (cd (s≤s z≤n) ≤-refl u))
  cd _ _             (bin t@(bin t' _)   (tipZ z )) = bin (cd ≤-refl (s≤s (bounded t')) t) (mapB (_∷ (z  [])) t)
  cd _ 2+n<2+n       (bin   (bin _ _ )   (tipS _ )) = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl refl 2+n<2+n)
  cd _ (s≤s 1+k<1+n) (bin t@(bin t' _) u@(bin _ _)) = bin (cd (s≤s z≤n) (s≤s (bounded t')) t) (zipBWith _∷_ t (cd (s≤s z≤n) 1+k<1+n u))

  -- end of module ShapeIndexing

-- Section 2.2

module RestrictedSpecification where

  variable h : Vec a k  b

  data B' : (n k : ) (b : Set)  (Vec a k  b)  Vec a n  Set where
    tipZ : (y : b)  y  h []                     B' n        zero   b h xs
    tipS : (y : b)  y  h xs                     B' (suc k) (suc k) b h xs
    bin  : B' n (suc k) b         h           xs
          B' n      k  b  zs  h (x  zs)) xs  B' (suc n) (suc k) b h (x  xs)

  -- testB' : {b : Set} {h : Vec Char 2 → b} → B' 4 2 b h ('a' ∷ 'b' ∷ 'c' ∷ 'd' ∷ [])
  -- testB' = bin (bin (tipS {!   !} {!   !})
  --                   (bin (tipS {!   !} {!   !})
  --                        (tipZ {!   !} {!   !})))
  --              (bin (bin (tipS {!   !} {!   !})
  --                        (tipZ {!   !} {!   !}))
  --                   (tipZ {!   !} {!   !}))

  -- end of module RestrictedSpecification

data BT : (n k : )  (Vec a k  Set)  Vec a n  Set where
  tipZ : p []                                BT n        zero   p xs
  tipS : p xs                                BT (suc k) (suc k) p xs
  bin  : BT n (suc k)        p           xs
        BT n      k  zs  p (x  zs)) xs  BT (suc n) (suc k) p (x  xs)

-- testBT : {p : Vec Char 2 → Set} → BT 4 2 p ('a' ∷ 'b' ∷ 'c' ∷ 'd' ∷ [])
-- testBT = bin (bin (tipS {!   !})
--                   (bin (tipS {!   !})
--                        (tipZ {!   !})))
--              (bin (bin (tipS {!   !})
--                        (tipZ {!   !}))
--                   (tipZ {!   !}))

-- Section 2.3

bounded : BT n k p xs  k  n
bounded (tipZ _)  = z≤n
bounded (tipS _)  = ≤-refl
bounded (bin _ u) = s≤s (bounded u)

unbounded : BT k (suc k) p xs  
unbounded (bin t u) = unbounded u

mapBT : (∀ {ys}  p ys  q ys)   {xs}  BT n k p xs  BT n k q xs
mapBT f (tipZ x)  = tipZ (f x)
mapBT f (tipS x)  = tipS (f x)
mapBT f (bin t u) = bin (mapBT f t) (mapBT f u)

unTip : BT n n p xs  p xs
unTip           (tipS x)  = x
unTip {xs = []} (tipZ x)  = x
unTip           (bin t _) = ⊥-elim (unbounded t)

zipBTWith : (∀ {ys}  p ys  q ys  r ys)   {xs}  BT n k p xs  BT n k q xs  BT n k r xs
zipBTWith f (tipZ x)   (tipZ y)   = tipZ (f x y)
zipBTWith f (tipS x)   u          = tipS (f x (unTip u))
zipBTWith f (bin t _ ) (tipS _)   = ⊥-elim (unbounded t)
zipBTWith f (bin t t') (bin u u') = bin (zipBTWith f t u) (zipBTWith f t' u')

_∷ᴮᵀ_ : p xs  BT (1 + k) k (p  (x ∷_)) xs  BT (2 + k) (1 + k) p (x  xs)
p ∷ᴮᵀ t = bin (tipS p) t

retabulate : k < n  BT n k p xs  BT n (1 + k) (BT (1 + k) k p) xs
retabulate            1+k<1+k (tipS _)                  = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl refl 1+k<1+k)
retabulate {xs = _  []   } _ (tipZ y)                  = tipS (tipZ y)
retabulate {xs = _  _  _} _ (tipZ y)                  = bin (retabulate (s≤s z≤n) (tipZ y)) (tipZ (tipZ y))
retabulate _             (bin   (tipS y  ) u          ) = tipS (y ∷ᴮᵀ u)
retabulate _             (bin t@(bin t' _)   (tipZ z )) = bin (retabulate (s≤s (bounded t')) t) (mapBT (_∷ᴮᵀ (tipZ z)) t)
retabulate 2+n<2+n       (bin   (bin _  _)   (tipS _ )) = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl refl 2+n<2+n)
retabulate (s≤s 1+k<1+n) (bin t@(bin t' _) u@(bin _ _)) = bin (retabulate (s≤s (bounded t')) t) (zipBTWith _∷ᴮᵀ_ t (retabulate 1+k<1+n u))

-- Section 2.4

incr : suc m ≤′ n  m ≤′ n
incr  ≤′-refl    = ≤′-step ≤′-refl
incr (≤′-step d) = ≤′-step (incr d)

module Choose where

  data Exactly : a  Set where
    exactly : (x : a)  Exactly x

  mapExactly : (f : a  b)  Exactly x  Exactly (f x)
  mapExactly f (exactly x) = exactly (f x)

  choose : (n k : )  k ≤′ n  (xs : Vec a n)  BT n k Exactly xs
  choose _        zero   _           _        = tipZ (exactly [])
  choose (suc k) (suc k)  ≤′-refl    xs       = tipS (exactly xs)
  choose (suc n) (suc k) (≤′-step d) (x  xs) = bin (choose n (suc k) d xs) (mapBT (mapExactly (x ∷_)) (choose n k (incr d) xs))

  toBTExactly : BT n k (const ) xs  BT n k Exactly xs
  toBTExactly = mapBT  { {ys} tt  exactly ys })

  -- end of module Choose

blank' : (n k : )  k ≤′ n  {xs : Vec a n}  BT n k (const ) xs
blank' _        zero   _                   = tipZ tt
blank' (suc k) (suc k)  ≤′-refl            = tipS tt
blank' (suc n) (suc k) (≤′-step d) {_  _} = bin (blank' n (suc k) d) (blank' n k (incr d))

module Monster where

  ImmediateSublistInduction : Set₁
  ImmediateSublistInduction =
    {a : Set} (s  :  {k}  Vec a k  Set)
              (e  : s [])
              (g  :  {k}  {ys : Vec a (1 + k)}  BT (1 + k) k s ys  s ys)
    {n : }   (xs : Vec a n)  s xs

  td : ImmediateSublistInduction
  td s e g {zero } [] = e
  td s e g {suc n} ys = g (mapBT  { {ys} tt  td s e g {n} ys}) (blank' (1 + n) n (≤′-step ≤′-refl)))

  -- end of module Monster

blank : (n k : )  k ≤′ n  {xs : Vec a n}    BT n k (const ) xs
blank n k k≤n = const (blank' n k k≤n)

ImmediateSublistInduction : Set₁
ImmediateSublistInduction =
  {a : Set} (s :  {k}  Vec a k  Set)
            (e : {ys : Vec a 0}    s ys)
            (g :  {k}  {ys : Vec a (1 + k)}  BT (1 + k) k s ys  s ys)
            (n : ) {xs : Vec a n}    s xs

td : ImmediateSublistInduction
td s e g  zero   = e
td s e g (suc n) = g  mapBT (td s e g n)  blank (1 + n) n (≤′-step ≤′-refl)

-- bu : ImmediateSublistInduction
-- bu s e g n = unTip ∘ loop 0 (≤⇒≤‴ z≤n) ∘ mapBT e ∘ blank n 0 (≤⇒≤′ z≤n)
--   where
--     loop : (k : ℕ) → k ≤‴ n → BT n k s xs → BT n n s xs
--     loop n  ≤‴-refl    = id
--     loop k (≤‴-step d) = loop (1 + k) d ∘ mapBT g ∘ retabulate (≤‴⇒≤ d)

bu-loop : {s :  {k}  Vec a k  Set} (g :  {k}  {ys : Vec a (1 + k)}  BT (1 + k) k s ys  s ys) {n : }
          (k : )  k ≤‴ n  {xs : Vec a n}  BT n k s xs  BT n n s xs
bu-loop g n  ≤‴-refl    = id
bu-loop g k (≤‴-step d) = bu-loop g (1 + k) d  mapBT g  retabulate (≤‴⇒≤ d)

bu : ImmediateSublistInduction
bu s e g n = unTip  bu-loop g 0 (≤⇒≤‴ z≤n)  mapBT e  blank n 0 (≤⇒≤′ z≤n)

-- Section 2.5

module ℕ-InductionPrinciple where

  ℕ-Induction : Set₁
  ℕ-Induction = (p  :   Set)
                (pz : p zero)
                (ps :  {m}  p m  p (suc m))
                (n  : )  p n

  ind : ℕ-Induction
  ind P pz ps  zero   = pz
  ind P pz ps (suc n) = ps (ind P pz ps n)

  ℕ-Induction-unary-parametricity : ℕ-Induction  Set₁
  ℕ-Induction-unary-parametricity f =
      {p  :   Set}                 (q :  {m}  p m  Set)
     {pz : p zero}                  (qz : q pz)
     {ps :  {m}  p m  p (suc m)} (qs :  {m} {x : p m}  q x  q (ps x))
     {n  : }  q (f p pz ps n)

  ℕ-Induction-uniqueness-from-parametricity :
      (f : ℕ-Induction)  ℕ-Induction-unary-parametricity f
     (P :   Set) (pz : P zero) (ps :  {m}  P m  P (suc m)) (n : )
     f P pz ps n  ind P pz ps n
  ℕ-Induction-uniqueness-from-parametricity f param p pz ps n =
    param  {m} x  x  ind p pz ps m) refl (cong ps)

  -- end of module ℕ-InductionPrinciple

BT' : ({ys : Vec a k}  p ys  Set)  BT n k p xs  Set
BT' q (tipZ x)  = q x
BT' q (tipS x)  = q x
BT' q (bin t u) = BT' q t × BT' q u

ISI-unary-parametricity : ImmediateSublistInduction  Set₁
ISI-unary-parametricity f =
  {a : Set} {s :  {k}  Vec a k  Set}               (s' :  {k} {ys : Vec a k}  s ys  Set)
            {e : {ys : Vec a 0}    s ys}           (e' :  {ys}  s' (e {ys} tt))
            {g :  {k ys}  BT (1 + k) k s ys  s ys} (g' :  {k ys} {t : BT (1 + k) k s ys}  BT' s' t  s' (g t))
            {n : } {xs : Vec a n}  s' (f s e g n {xs} tt)

ISI-uniqueness-from-parametricity :
    (f : ImmediateSublistInduction)  ISI-unary-parametricity f
   {a : Set} (s :  {k}  Vec a k  Set)
   (e : {ys : Vec a 0}    s ys) (g :  {k ys}  BT (1 + k) k s ys  s ys) (n : ) {xs : Vec a n}
   f s e g n {xs} tt  td s e g n {xs} tt
ISI-uniqueness-from-parametricity f param {a} s e g n =
  param  {m} {ys} x  x  td s e g m {ys} tt) refl  t'  cong g (see-below s  xs  td s e g _ {xs} tt) _ t'))
    see-below : (ss : Vec a k  Set) (h : (xs : Vec a k)  ss xs)
               (ss' : BT (1 + k) k ss xs)  BT'  {ys} x  x  h ys) ss'
               ss'  mapBT  {ys} _  h ys) (blank' (suc k) k (≤′-step ≤′-refl))
    see-below ss h (tipZ _)          eq        = cong tipZ eq
    see-below ss h (bin (tipS _) t) (eq , ss') = cong₂ bin (cong tipS eq) (see-below (ss  (_ ∷_)) (h  (_ ∷_)) t ss')
    see-below ss h (bin (bin t _) _) _         = ⊥-elim (unbounded t)

-- Section 3.1

Fam : Set  Set₁
Fam a = a  Set

_⇉_ : Fam a  Fam a  Set
p  q =  {x}  p x  q x

infix 2 _⇉_

-- Section 3.2

IsProp : Set  Set
IsProp a = {x y : a}  x  y

IsProp' : Set  Set
IsProp' a = (x y : a)  x  y

BT-isProp' : (∀ {ys}  IsProp (p ys))  IsProp' (BT n k p xs)
BT-isProp' p-isProp (tipZ _)  (tipZ _)    = cong tipZ p-isProp
BT-isProp' p-isProp (tipS _)  (tipS _)    = cong tipS p-isProp
BT-isProp' p-isProp (bin t u) (bin t' u') = cong₂ bin (BT-isProp' p-isProp t t') (BT-isProp' p-isProp u u')
BT-isProp' p-isProp (tipS _)  (bin t' _)  = ⊥-elim (unbounded t')
BT-isProp' p-isProp (bin t _) (tipS _)    = ⊥-elim (unbounded t)

BT-isProp : (∀ {ys}  IsProp (p ys))  IsProp (BT n k p xs)
BT-isProp p-isProp = BT-isProp' p-isProp _ _

rotation :  {k<n k≤n k≤1+k 1+k≤n}
          retabulate k<n (blank n k k≤n {xs} tt)  mapBT (blank (1 + k) k k≤1+k) (blank n (1 + k) 1+k≤n tt)
rotation = BT-isProp (BT-isProp refl)

-- ‘Whining, I finish the entire proof in Agda.’

-- more categorical definitions

-- families of functions with an explicit index type
∀[_]_⇉_ : (a : Set)  Fam a  Fam a  Set
∀[ a ] p  q = p  q

infix 2 ∀[_]_⇉_

-- exponential objects in Fam categories
_⇒_ : Fam a  Fam a  Fam a
(p  q) x = p x  q x

-- table construction phases

tdRec : (n : )  Fam (Vec a n)
tdRec  zero   = const 
tdRec (suc n) = BT (suc n) n (tdRec n)

td-construct : (n : )  ∀[ Vec a n ] const   tdRec n
td-construct  zero   = id
td-construct (suc n) = mapBT (td-construct n)  blank (suc n) n (≤′-step ≤′-refl)

buRec : k ≤‴ n  Fam (Vec a k)  Fam (Vec a n)
buRec          ≤‴-refl    = id
buRec {k = k} (≤‴-step d) = buRec d  BT (suc k) k

bu-construct-loop : (k≤n : k ≤‴ n)  BT n k p  BT n n (buRec k≤n p)
bu-construct-loop  ≤‴-refl    = id
bu-construct-loop (≤‴-step d) = bu-construct-loop d  retabulate (≤‴⇒≤ d)

bu-construct : (n : )  ∀[ Vec a n ] const   buRec (≤⇒≤‴ z≤n) (const )
bu-construct n = unTip  bu-construct-loop (≤⇒≤‴ z≤n)  blank n 0 (≤⇒≤′ z≤n)

-- functoriality

cong-mapBT : {f g : p  q}  (∀ {ys} (x : p ys)  f x  g x)
            (t : BT n k p xs)  mapBT f t  mapBT g t
cong-mapBT f≗g (tipZ x)  = cong tipZ (f≗g x)
cong-mapBT f≗g (tipS x)  = cong tipS (f≗g x)
cong-mapBT f≗g (bin t u) = cong₂ bin (cong-mapBT f≗g t) (cong-mapBT f≗g u)

mapBT-∘ : (f : q  r) (g : p  q)
         (t : BT n k p xs)  mapBT (f  g) $ t  mapBT f  mapBT g $ t
mapBT-∘ f g (tipZ _)  = refl
mapBT-∘ f g (tipS _)  = refl
mapBT-∘ f g (bin t u) = cong₂ bin (mapBT-∘ f g t) (mapBT-∘ f g u)

map-buRec : (k≤n : k ≤‴ n)  p  q  buRec k≤n p  buRec k≤n q
map-buRec  ≤‴-refl    f = f
map-buRec (≤‴-step d) f = map-buRec d (mapBT f)

cong-map-buRec :
    (k≤n : k ≤‴ n) {f g : p  q}  (∀ {ys} (p : p ys)  f p  g p)
   {xs : Vec a n} (t : buRec k≤n p xs)  map-buRec k≤n f t  map-buRec k≤n g t
cong-map-buRec  ≤‴-refl    f≗g t = f≗g t
cong-map-buRec (≤‴-step d) f≗g t = cong-map-buRec d (cong-mapBT f≗g) t

map-buRec-∘ : (k≤n : k ≤‴ n) (f : q  r) (g : p  q)
             {xs : Vec a n} (t : buRec k≤n p xs)
             map-buRec k≤n (f  g) $ t  map-buRec k≤n f  map-buRec k≤n g $ t
map-buRec-∘  ≤‴-refl    f g t = refl
map-buRec-∘ (≤‴-step d) f g t =
  trans (cong-map-buRec d (mapBT-∘ f g) t) (map-buRec-∘ d (mapBT f) (mapBT g) t)

-- propositionality

≤-isProp' : {m n : }  IsProp' (m  n)
≤-isProp'  z≤n       z≤n       = refl
≤-isProp' (s≤s m≤n) (s≤s m≤n') = cong s≤s (≤-isProp' m≤n m≤n')

≤-isProp : {m n : }  IsProp (m  n)
≤-isProp = ≤-isProp' _ _

tdRec-isProp : (n : ) {xs : Vec a n}  IsProp (tdRec n xs)
tdRec-isProp  zero   = refl
tdRec-isProp (suc n) = BT-isProp (tdRec-isProp n)

-- naturality

unTip-natural : (h : p  q) {xs : Vec a n} (t : BT n n p xs)
               h  unTip $ t  unTip  mapBT h $ t
unTip-natural h      (tipS p)  = refl
unTip-natural h {[]} (tipZ p)  = refl
unTip-natural h      (bin t _) = ⊥-elim (unbounded t)

zipBTWith-natural :
    (P : p  p') (Q : q  q') (R : r  r')
    (f : p  q  r) (f' : p'  q'  r')
   ({xs : Vec a k} {x : p xs} {y : q xs}  R (f x y)  f' (P x) (Q y))
    {xs : Vec a n} (t : BT n k p xs) (u : BT n k q xs)
   mapBT R (zipBTWith f t u)  zipBTWith f' (mapBT P t) (mapBT Q u)
zipBTWith-natural P Q R f f' f∼f' (tipZ x)   (tipZ y)   = cong tipZ f∼f'
zipBTWith-natural P Q R f f' f∼f' (tipS x)   u          = cong tipS (trans f∼f' (cong (f' (P x)) (unTip-natural Q u)))
zipBTWith-natural P Q R f f' f∼f' (bin t _)  (tipS _)   = ⊥-elim (unbounded t)
zipBTWith-natural P Q R f f' f∼f' (bin t t') (bin u u') = cong₂ bin (zipBTWith-natural P Q R f f' f∼f' t  u )
                                                                    (zipBTWith-natural P Q R f f' f∼f' t' u')

retabulate-natural : (k<n : k < n) {xs : Vec a n} (h : p  q) (t : BT n k p xs)
                    mapBT (mapBT h)  retabulate k<n $ t  retabulate k<n  mapBT h $ t
retabulate-natural 1+n<1+n       h (tipS p)                       = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl refl 1+n<1+n)
retabulate-natural _ {_  []   } h (tipZ p)                       = refl
retabulate-natural _ {_  _  _} h (tipZ p)                       = cong₂ bin (retabulate-natural (s≤s z≤n) h (tipZ p)) refl
retabulate-natural _             h (bin   (tipS p)   u)           = refl
retabulate-natural _             h (bin t@(bin t' _)   (tipZ q))  = cong₂ bin (trans (retabulate-natural (s≤s (bounded t')) h t) (cong  ineq  retabulate ineq (mapBT h t)) ≤-isProp)) (trans (sym (mapBT-∘ (mapBT h) (_∷ᴮᵀ (tipZ q)) t)) (mapBT-∘ (_∷ᴮᵀ (tipZ (h q))) h t))
retabulate-natural _             h (bin t@(bin _  _)   (tipS q))  = ⊥-elim (unbounded t)
retabulate-natural (s≤s 1+k<1+n) h (bin t@(bin t' _) u@(bin _ _)) = cong₂ bin (trans (retabulate-natural (s≤s (bounded t')) h t) (cong  ineq  retabulate ineq (mapBT h t)) ≤-isProp)) (trans (zipBTWith-natural h (mapBT h) (mapBT h) _∷ᴮᵀ_ _∷ᴮᵀ_ refl t (retabulate 1+k<1+n u)) (cong (zipBTWith _∷ᴮᵀ_ (mapBT h t)) (retabulate-natural 1+k<1+n h u)))

bu-construct-loop-natural :
    (k≤n : k ≤‴ n) (h : p  q) {xs : Vec a n} (t : BT n k p xs)
   mapBT (map-buRec k≤n h)  bu-construct-loop k≤n $ t  bu-construct-loop k≤n  mapBT h $ t
bu-construct-loop-natural  ≤‴-refl    h t = refl
bu-construct-loop-natural (≤‴-step d) h t =
    mapBT (map-buRec (≤‴-step d) h)  bu-construct-loop (≤‴-step d)           $ t
      ≡⟨ refl 
    mapBT (map-buRec d (mapBT h))  bu-construct-loop d  retabulate (≤‴⇒≤ d) $ t
      ≡⟨ bu-construct-loop-natural d (mapBT h) _ 
    bu-construct-loop d  mapBT (mapBT h)  retabulate (≤‴⇒≤ d)               $ t
      ≡⟨ cong (bu-construct-loop d) (retabulate-natural (≤‴⇒≤ d) h t) 
    bu-construct-loop d  retabulate (≤‴⇒≤ d)  mapBT h                       $ t
      ≡⟨ refl 
    bu-construct-loop (≤‴-step d)  mapBT h                                   $ t
  where open ≡-Reasoning

unTip∘bu-construct-loop-natural :
    (k≤n : k ≤‴ n) (h : p  q) {xs : Vec a n} (t : BT n k p xs)
   map-buRec k≤n h  unTip  bu-construct-loop k≤n           $ t
                     unTip  bu-construct-loop k≤n  mapBT h $ t
unTip∘bu-construct-loop-natural k≤n h t =
    map-buRec k≤n h  unTip  bu-construct-loop k≤n         $ t
      ≡⟨ unTip-natural (map-buRec k≤n h) (bu-construct-loop k≤n t) 
    unTip  mapBT (map-buRec k≤n h)  bu-construct-loop k≤n $ t
      ≡⟨ cong unTip (bu-construct-loop-natural k≤n h _) 
    unTip  bu-construct-loop k≤n  mapBT h                 $ t
  where open ≡-Reasoning

-- overall structure of the equality proof
overall : {a a' b : Set}
         (f : a  b) (f' : a'  b)
         ((Σ[ c  Set ] (c  b))  (a , f))  (a' , f')
         IsProp a
         (x : a) (x' : a')  f x  f' x'
overall f .f refl a-isProp _ _ = cong f a-isProp

module DemolitionAndEquality
  {a : Set} (s :  {k}  Fam (Vec a k))
  (e : const   s {0}) (g :  {k}  BT (1 + k) k s  s)

  -- table demolition phases

  td-demolish : (n : )  tdRec n  s
  td-demolish  zero   = e
  td-demolish (suc n) = g  mapBT (td-demolish n)

  bu-demolish-loop : (k≤n : k ≤‴ n)  buRec k≤n s  s
  bu-demolish-loop  ≤‴-refl    = id
  bu-demolish-loop (≤‴-step d) = bu-demolish-loop d  map-buRec d g

  bu-demolish : (n : )  ∀[ Vec a n ] buRec (≤⇒≤‴ z≤n) (const )  s
  bu-demolish n = bu-demolish-loop 0≤n  map-buRec 0≤n e
    where 0≤n = ≤⇒≤‴ z≤n

  -- separation into two phases

  td-separation : (n : ) {xs : Vec a n}
                 td s e g n {xs} $ tt  td-demolish n  td-construct n $ tt
  td-separation  zero   = refl
  td-separation (suc n) =
      td s e g (suc n)                                                                       $ tt
        ≡⟨ refl 
      g  mapBT (td s e g n)  blank (suc n) n (≤′-step ≤′-refl)                             $ tt
        ≡⟨ cong g (cong-mapBT  _  td-separation n) _) 
      g  mapBT (td-demolish n  td-construct n)  blank (suc n) n (≤′-step ≤′-refl)         $ tt
        ≡⟨ cong g (mapBT-∘ (td-demolish n) (td-construct n) _) 
      g  mapBT (td-demolish n)  mapBT (td-construct n)  blank (suc n) n (≤′-step ≤′-refl) $ tt
        ≡⟨ refl 
      td-demolish (suc n)  td-construct (suc n)                                             $ tt
    where open ≡-Reasoning

  bu-loop-separation :
      (k≤n : k ≤‴ n)
     {xs : Vec a n} (t : BT n k s xs)
     unTip  bu-loop g k k≤n $ t  bu-demolish-loop k≤n  unTip  bu-construct-loop k≤n $ t
  bu-loop-separation  ≤‴-refl    t = refl
  bu-loop-separation (≤‴-step d) t =
      unTip  bu-loop g _ (≤‴-step d)                                                        $ t
        ≡⟨ refl 
      unTip  bu-loop g _ d  mapBT g  retabulate (≤‴⇒≤ d)                                  $ t
        ≡⟨ bu-loop-separation d _ 
      bu-demolish-loop d  unTip  bu-construct-loop d  mapBT g  retabulate (≤‴⇒≤ d)       $ t
        ≡⟨ cong (bu-demolish-loop d) (sym (unTip∘bu-construct-loop-natural d g _)) 
      bu-demolish-loop d  map-buRec d g  unTip  bu-construct-loop d  retabulate (≤‴⇒≤ d) $ t
        ≡⟨ refl 
      bu-demolish-loop (≤‴-step d)  unTip  bu-construct-loop (≤‴-step d)                   $ t
    where open ≡-Reasoning

  bu-separation : (n : ) {xs : Vec a n}  bu s e g n {xs} $ tt  bu-demolish n  bu-construct n $ tt
  bu-separation n =
      bu s e g n                                                                                    $ tt
        ≡⟨ refl 
      unTip  bu-loop g _ 0≤n  mapBT e  blank n 0 (≤⇒≤′ z≤n)                                      $ tt
        ≡⟨ bu-loop-separation 0≤n _ 
      bu-demolish-loop 0≤n  unTip  bu-construct-loop 0≤n  mapBT e  blank n 0 (≤⇒≤′ z≤n)         $ tt
        ≡⟨ cong (bu-demolish-loop 0≤n) (sym (unTip∘bu-construct-loop-natural 0≤n e _)) 
      bu-demolish-loop 0≤n  map-buRec 0≤n e  unTip  bu-construct-loop 0≤n  blank n 0 (≤⇒≤′ z≤n) $ tt
        ≡⟨ refl 
      bu-demolish n  bu-construct n                                                                $ tt
    where 0≤n = ≤⇒≤‴ z≤n
          open ≡-Reasoning

  -- equality between the table demolition phases

  -- an alternative form that can be proved equal to td-demolish without using functoriality
  bu-demolish-loop' : (k≤n : k ≤‴ n)  r  s  buRec k≤n r  s
  bu-demolish-loop'  ≤‴-refl    h = h
  bu-demolish-loop' (≤‴-step d) h = bu-demolish-loop' d (g  mapBT h)

  bu-demolish' : (n : )  ∀[ Vec a n ] buRec (≤⇒≤‴ z≤n) (const )  s
  bu-demolish' n = bu-demolish-loop' (≤⇒≤‴ z≤n) e

  bu-demolish-loop-equiv :
      (k≤n : k ≤‴ n) (h : r  s) {xs : Vec a n} (t : buRec k≤n r xs)
     bu-demolish-loop' k≤n h $ t  bu-demolish-loop k≤n  map-buRec k≤n h $ t
  bu-demolish-loop-equiv  ≤‴-refl    h t = refl
  bu-demolish-loop-equiv (≤‴-step d) h t =
      bu-demolish-loop' (≤‴-step d) h                            $ t
        ≡⟨ refl 
      bu-demolish-loop' d (g  mapBT h)                          $ t
        ≡⟨ bu-demolish-loop-equiv d (g  mapBT h) _ 
      bu-demolish-loop d  map-buRec d (g  mapBT h)             $ t
        ≡⟨ cong (bu-demolish-loop d) (map-buRec-∘ d g (mapBT h) _) 
      bu-demolish-loop d  map-buRec d g  map-buRec d (mapBT h) $ t
        ≡⟨ refl 
      bu-demolish-loop (≤‴-step d)  map-buRec (≤‴-step d) h     $ t
    where open ≡-Reasoning

  bu-demolish-equiv :
      (n : ) {xs : Vec a n} (t : buRec (≤⇒≤‴ z≤n) (const ) xs)
     bu-demolish' n t  bu-demolish n t
  bu-demolish-equiv n = bu-demolish-loop-equiv (≤⇒≤‴ z≤n) e

  td≗bu-demolish :
      (k≤n : k ≤‴ n) {xs : Vec a n}
     ((Σ[ b  Set ] (b  s xs))
       (tdRec n xs             , td-demolish n))
       (buRec k≤n (tdRec k) xs , bu-demolish-loop' k≤n (td-demolish k))
  td≗bu-demolish  ≤‴-refl    = refl
  td≗bu-demolish (≤‴-step d) = td≗bu-demolish d

  -- equality between the top-down and bottom-up algorithms

  td≗bu : (n : ) {xs : Vec a n}  td s e g n {xs} $ tt  bu s e g n $ tt
  td≗bu n =
      td s e g n                      $ tt
        ≡⟨ td-separation n 
      td-demolish n  td-construct n  $ tt
        ≡⟨ overall (td-demolish n) (bu-demolish-loop' 0≤n e) (td≗bu-demolish 0≤n)
             (tdRec-isProp n) (td-construct n tt) (bu-construct n tt) 
      bu-demolish' n  bu-construct n $ tt
        ≡⟨ bu-demolish-equiv n _ 
      bu-demolish n  bu-construct n  $ tt
        ≡⟨ sym (bu-separation n) 
      bu s e g n                      $ tt
    where 0≤n = ≤⇒≤‴ z≤n
          open ≡-Reasoning

  -- end of module DemolitionAndEquality

-- ‘But as usual, in the end there’s a dopamine hit from seeing everything checked.’