{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import Prelude

module Generics.Reflection.Telescope where
open import Utils.Reflection
open import Utils.Error as Err

open import Generics.Telescope

-- Frequently used terms
    T U : Tel 
  pattern _`∷_ t u = con₂ (quote Tel._∷_) t (vLam u)
  pattern `[]      = con₀ (quote Tel.[])

-- extend the context in a TC computation 
exCxtTel : {A : Set ℓ′}
   (T : Tel )  ( T ⟧ᵗ  TC A)  TC A
exCxtTel [] f      = f tt
exCxtTel (A  T) f = do
  s  getAbsNameω T
  exCxtT s visible-relevant-ω A λ _ x  exCxtTel (T x) (curry f x)
exCxtTel (T ++ U) f = exCxtTel T λ ⟦T⟧ 
  exCxtTel (U ⟦T⟧) λ x  curry f ⟦T⟧ x

exCxtℓs : {A : Set }
   (#levels : )  (Level ^ #levels  TC A)  TC A
exCxtℓs zero    c = c tt
exCxtℓs (suc n) c = exCxtT "ℓ" hidden-relevant-ω Level λ _  
    exCxtℓs n (curry c )

-- ℕ is the length of (T : Tel ℓ)
-- this may fail if `Tel` is not built by λ by pattern matching lambdas.
fromTel : { : Level}
   (tel : Tel )  TelInfo Visibility tel  TC Telescope
fromTel []      _ = return []
fromTel (A  T) (v  U) = do
  s  getAbsNameω T
  exCxtT s (arg-info v (modality relevant quantity-ω)) A λ `A x  do
    Γ  fromTel (T x) (U x)
    return $ (s , arg (arg-info v (modality relevant quantity-ω)) `A)  Γ
fromTel (T ++ U) (V ++ W) = do
    fromTel T V
  exCxtTel T λ x  do
      fromTel (U x) (W x)
    return ( <> )

fromTel! : { : Level}
   (tel : Tel )  TelInfo Visibility tel  TC Telescope
fromTel! T V = withNormalisation true $ fromTel T V

to`Tel : Telescope  Term
to`Tel = foldr `[] λ where
  (s , arg _ `A) `T   `A `∷ abs s `T

fromTelInfo :  {}  {tel : Tel }  TelInfo String tel  TC (List String)
fromTelInfo [] = return []
fromTelInfo {tel = A  T} (s  N) = do
  exCxtT s (visible-relevant-ω) A λ `A x  do
    ss  fromTelInfo (N x)
    return (s  ss)
fromTelInfo {tel = T ++ U} (S ++ S') = do
  ss  fromTelInfo S
  exCxtTel T λ t  do
    ts  fromTelInfo (S' t)
    return (ss <> ts)

  genTel : Telescope  Tactic
  genTel Γ hole = do
    `ℓ  newMeta `Level
    checkedHole  checkType hole (def₁ (quote Tel) `ℓ)
    unify checkedHole (to`Tel Γ)

-- Check if the given telescope is a prefix of a telescope up to arg-info 
-- and return the telescope with the correct visibility
-- `T ⊆ᵗ? Γ` returns
--   1. a telescope corresponding to T (with `arg-info` copied from Γ) and
--   2. the telescope of Γ without T
_⊆ᵗ?_ : Tel   Telescope  TC (Telescope × Telescope)
[]      ⊆ᵗ? Γ  = return ([] , Γ)
(A  T) ⊆ᵗ? [] = do
  `A  quoteTC A
  typeError $ 
    strErr "An extra argument of type"  termErr `A  strErr " to apply"  []
(A  T) ⊆ᵗ? ((s , arg i@(arg-info v m) `B)  Γ) = do
  `A  quoteTC! A
  unify `A `B <|> (typeError $ termErr `A  strErr " ≠ "  termErr `B  [])
  exCxtT s i A λ _ x  bimap ((s , arg i `B) ∷_) id <$> T x ⊆ᵗ? Γ
(T ++ U) ⊆ᵗ? Γ = do
  (vs , Γ)  T ⊆ᵗ? Γ
  exCxtTel T λ t  do
    (vs′ , Γ)  U t ⊆ᵗ? Γ
    return (vs <> vs′ , Γ)

-- Each constructor `c : (x₁ : A₁) → (x₂ : A₂ x₁) → ⋯ → T`
-- can be represented as a pattern on the LHS `c x₁ x₂ ⋯ xₙ` or as a term on the RHS
-- They can be also uncurried described by ⟦ ConD ⟧. Thus, there are 4 types of constructor representations. 
Vars : Set
Vars = (Term × Pattern) × (Args Term × Args Pattern)

cxtToVars : (from : ) (base : Term × Pattern) (Γ : Telescope)
cxtToVars from base = snd  foldr emptyVar λ where
      (_ , arg i _) (n , (t , p) , (targs , pargs)) 
        suc n , ((var₀ n `, t) , (var n `, p)) , (arg i (var₀ n)  targs) , (arg i (var n)  pargs)
  where emptyVar = from , base , [] , []

cxtToVarPatt : Telescope  Pattern
cxtToVarPatt Γ = let (_ , p) , _ = cxtToVars 0 (`tt , `tt) Γ in p


telToVars : (from : ) (base : Term × Pattern)
   (T : Tel ) (Γ : Telescope)  TC Vars
telToVars from base T Γ = snd <$> go from base T Γ 
    go : (from : ) (base : Term × Pattern)
       (T : Tel ) (Γ : Telescope)
       TC $  × (Term × Pattern) × (Args Term × Args Pattern)
    go from base []       _       = return (from , base , [] , [])
    go from base (A  T)  []      = typeError
      $ strErr "The length of Tel is different from the length of Telescope"  []
    go from base (A  T)  ((s , arg i B)  Γ) = do
      `A  quoteTC! A
      exCxtT s i A λ _ x  do
        n , (t , p) , (targs , pargs)  go from base (T x) Γ
        return $ suc n , ((var₀ n `, t) , (var n `, p)) , arg i (var₀ n)  targs , arg i (var n)  pargs
    go from base (T ++ U) Γ = do
      n  length <$> fromTel T (constTelInfo visible)
      let (Γ , Δ) = splitAt n Γ
      n , (Δt , Δp) , Δts , Δps  exCxtTel T λ t  go from base (U t) Δ
      m , (Γt , Γp) , Γts , Γps  go n base T Γ 
      return $ m , ((Γt `, Δt) , (Γp `, Δp)) , (Γts <> Δts , Γps <> Δps)
-- Translate the semantics of an object-level telescope to a context
idxToArgs :  T ⟧ᵗ  TC (Args Term)
idxToArgs {T = []}     tt      =  [] 
idxToArgs {T = _  _}  (A , Γ) =   vArg (quoteTC A)   (idxToArgs Γ) 
idxToArgs {T = _ ++ _} (T , U) =  (idxToArgs T) <> (idxToArgs U) 

-- ... and back
argsToIdx : Args Term  Term
argsToIdx []       = `tt
argsToIdx (x  xs) = (unArg x) `, argsToIdx xs

-- The fully applied datatype 
typeOfData : Name  (ps :  U ⟧ᵗ) (is :  T ⟧ᵗ)  TC Type 
typeOfData d ps is =  (def d)  (idxToArgs ps) <> (idxToArgs is)