{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Prelude.String where
open import Agda.Builtin.Char
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat hiding (_==_)
open import Agda.Builtin.List
open import Prelude.Eq
open import Prelude.List
open import Prelude.Char
open import Prelude.Coercion
open import Prelude.Monoid
open import Prelude.Maybe
open import Prelude.Function
open import Agda.Builtin.String as S public
using (String)
parens : String → String
parens s = "(" <> s <> ")"
braces : String → String
braces s = "{" <> s <> "}"
infixr 5 _<+>_
_<+>_ : String → String → String
"" <+> b = b
a <+> "" = a
a <+> b = a <> " " <> b
StringToList : Coercion' String (List Char)
⇑_ ⦃ StringToList ⦄ = S.primStringToList
ListToString : Coercion' (List Char) String
⇑_ ⦃ ListToString ⦄ = S.primStringFromList
parensIfSpace : String → String
parensIfSpace s with hasSpace (⇑ s)
hasSpace : List Char → Bool
hasSpace [] = false
hasSpace (x ∷ xs) with x == ' '
... | true = true
... | false = hasSpace xs
... | true = parens s
... | false = s
trailingNatʳ : List Char → Maybe Nat
trailingNatʳ [] = nothing
trailingNatʳ (x ∷ xs) with toNat x
... | (just x) = case trailingNatʳ xs of λ where
(just x') → just (x' * 10 + x)
nothing → just x
... | nothing = nothing
trailingNat = trailingNatʳ ∘ reverse
lenTrailingNat = lenLeadingNat ∘ reverse
increase : String → String
increase s with ⇑ s
... | cs = case trailingNat cs of λ where
(just x) → (⇑ removeLast (lenTrailingNat cs) cs) <>
S.primShowNat (suc x)
nothing → s <> "1"