open import Data.Sum

module MinimumExtraction
  (Val : Set) (_≤_ : Val  Val  Set)
  (≤-refl : {x : Val}  x  x) (≤-trans : {x y z : Val}  x  y  y  z  x  z)
  (_≤?_ : (x y : Val)  x  y  y  x) where

open import Function using (id; _∘_)
open import Data.Empty using (; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false)
open import Data.Product as Product using (Σ; proj₁; proj₂; _,_; Σ-syntax; _×_)
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just; map)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong)

-- McBride's instance searching technique (ICFP 2014)

if_then_else_ : {A B C : Set}  A  B  ({{_ : A}}  C)  ({{_ : B}}  C)  C
if inj₁ a then t else u = t {{a}}
if inj₂ b then t else u = u {{b}}

record Σᴵ (A : Set) (B : A  Set) : Set where
  constructor ⟨_⟩ 
    fst     : A
    {{snd}} : B fst

infix 2 Σᴵ-syntax

Σᴵ-syntax : (A : Set)  (A  Set)  Set
Σᴵ-syntax = Σᴵ

syntax Σᴵ-syntax A  x  B) = Σᴵ[ x ∈ A ] B

-- Binomial trees and basic binomial heaps

 : {I : Set}  List I  (I  Set)  Set
 []       X = 
 (i  is) X = X i ×  is X

descend :   List 
descend zero    = []
descend (suc n) = n  descend n

data BForest :   Val  Set where
  forest : {r : } {x : Val}   (descend r)  i  Σᴵ[ t  Σ Val (BForest i) ] (x  proj₁ t))  BForest r x

pattern _◃_ t ts = forest ( t  , ts)

BTree :   Set
BTree r = Σ Val (BForest r)

root : {r : }  BTree r  Val
root = proj₁

children : {r : } (t : BTree r)  BForest r (root t)
children = proj₂

attach : {r : } (t u : BTree r) {{_ : root u  root t}}  BTree (suc r)
attach t (y , forest us) = y , t  us

link : {r : }  BTree r  BTree r  BTree (suc r)
link t u = if root t ≤? root u then attach u t else attach t u

data BHeap :   Set where
  nul  : {r : }                                    BHeap r
  zero : {r : }               (h : BHeap (suc r))  BHeap r
  one  : {r : } (t : BTree r) (h : BHeap (suc r))  BHeap r

extract : {r : }  BHeap r  Maybe (BTree r × BHeap r)
extract nul       = nothing
extract (zero  h) =  { ((x , t  ts) , h)  (x , forest ts) , one t h }) (extract h)
extract (one t h) = just (t , zero h)

-- Minimum extraction (and auxiliary binomial heap types)

data BHeapᴹ :   Maybe Val  Set where
  nul  : {r : }  BHeapᴹ r nothing
  min  : {r : } {v : Val} (t : BForest r v) {v' : Val} {{_ : v  v'}} (h : BHeapᴹ (suc r) (just v'))  BHeapᴹ r (just v)
  sin  : {r : } {v : Val} (t : BForest r v) (h : BHeapᴹ (suc r) nothing)  BHeapᴹ r (just v)
  one  : {r : } {v : Val} (t : BTree r) {{_ : v  root t}} (h : BHeapᴹ (suc r) (just v))  BHeapᴹ r (just v)
  zero : {r : } {mv : Maybe Val} (h : BHeapᴹ (suc r) mv)  BHeapᴹ r mv

pattern ⟪_⟫ b = _ , b

toBHeapᴹ : {r : }  BHeap r  Σ (Maybe Val) (BHeapᴹ r)
toBHeapᴹ nul       =  nul 
toBHeapᴹ (zero  h) = let  h'  = toBHeapᴹ h in  zero h' 
toBHeapᴹ (one t h) with toBHeapᴹ h
toBHeapᴹ (one t h) | nothing , h' =  sin (children t) h' 
toBHeapᴹ (one t h) | just v  , h' = if root t ≤? v then  min (children t) h'  else  one t h' 

-- ornamental forgetful function
fromBHeapᴹ : {r : } {mv : Maybe Val}  BHeapᴹ r mv  BHeap r
fromBHeapᴹ nul       = nul
fromBHeapᴹ (min ts h) = one  ts  (fromBHeapᴹ h)
fromBHeapᴹ (sin ts h) = one  ts  (fromBHeapᴹ h)
fromBHeapᴹ (one t  h) = one t      (fromBHeapᴹ h)
fromBHeapᴹ (zero   h) = zero       (fromBHeapᴹ h)

data BHeapᴺ :   Maybe Val  Bool  Set where
  nul  : {r : }  BHeapᴺ r nothing true
  min  : {r : } {v : Val} (ts : BForest r v) {v' : Val} {{_ : v  v'}} {norm : Bool}
         (h : BHeapᴺ (suc r) (just v') norm)  BHeapᴺ r (just v) true
  sin  : {r : } {v : Val} (ts : BForest r v) {norm : Bool}
         (h : BHeapᴺ (suc r) nothing norm)  BHeapᴺ r (just v) true
  one  : {r : } {v : Val} (t : BTree r) {{_ : v  root t}} {norm : Bool}
         (h : BHeapᴺ (suc r) (just v) norm)  BHeapᴺ r (just v) false
  zero : {r : } {mv : Maybe Val} {norm : Bool}
         (h : BHeapᴺ (suc r) mv norm)  BHeapᴺ r mv norm

-- part of the algebraic ornamental isomorphism
toBHeapᴺ : {r : } {mv : Maybe Val}  BHeapᴹ r mv  Σ Bool (BHeapᴺ r mv)
toBHeapᴺ nul       =  nul 
toBHeapᴺ (min t h) = let  h'  = toBHeapᴺ h in  min t h' 
toBHeapᴺ (sin t h) = let  h'  = toBHeapᴺ h in  sin t h' 
toBHeapᴺ (one t h) = let  h'  = toBHeapᴺ h in  one t h' 
toBHeapᴺ (zero  h) = let  h'  = toBHeapᴺ h in  zero  h' 

-- ornamental forgetful function
fromBHeapᴺ : {r : } {mv : Maybe Val} {norm : Bool}  BHeapᴺ r mv norm  BHeapᴹ r mv
fromBHeapᴺ nul        = nul
fromBHeapᴺ (min ts h) = min ts (fromBHeapᴺ h)
fromBHeapᴺ (sin ts h) = sin ts (fromBHeapᴺ h)
fromBHeapᴺ (one t  h) = one t  (fromBHeapᴺ h)
fromBHeapᴺ (zero   h) = zero   (fromBHeapᴺ h)

attach' : {r : } (t t' : BTree r) {{_ : root t'  root t}}
          {v : Val} {{_ : v  root t}} {{_ : v  root t'}}  Σᴵ[ u  BTree (suc r) ] v  root u
attach' t (y , forest ts') =  y , forest ( t  , ts') 

link' : {r : } (t t' : BTree r) {v : Val} {{_ : v  root t}} {{_ : v  root t'}}  Σᴵ[ u  BTree (suc r) ] v  root u
link' t t' = if root t ≤? root t' then attach' t' t else attach' t t'

normalise-aux : {r : } {v : Val}  BHeapᴹ (suc r) (just v) 
                BForest r v × ((u : BTree r) {{_ : v  root u}} 
                               Σ (Val × Bool)  { (v' , norm)  Σᴵ[ _  BHeapᴺ (suc r) (just v') norm ] v  v' }))
normalise-aux (min (t  ts) {v'} h) =
  forest ts , λ u  let  u'  = link' t u
                         h'  = toBHeapᴺ h
                    in  if root u' ≤? v' then   min (children u') h'  
                                         else   one u' h'             
normalise-aux (sin (t  ts) h) =
  forest ts , λ u  let  u'  = link' t u
                         h'  = toBHeapᴺ h
                    in    sin (children u') h'  
normalise-aux (one t h) with normalise-aux h
normalise-aux (one t h) | (t'  ts) , f =
  forest ts , λ u  let  u'  = link' t' u
                        ((v' , _) ,  h' ) = f u'
                    in  if root t ≤? v' then   min (children t) h'   else   one t h'  
normalise-aux (zero  h) with normalise-aux h
normalise-aux (zero  h) | (t  ts) , f =
  forest ts , λ u  let  u'  = link' t u
                          h'   = f u'
                    in    zero h'  

normalise : {r : } {mv : Maybe Val}  BHeapᴹ r mv  BHeapᴺ r mv true
normalise nul       = nul
normalise (min t h) = let  h'  = toBHeapᴺ h in min t h'
normalise (sin t h) = let  h'  = toBHeapᴺ h in sin t h'
normalise (one t h) with normalise-aux h
normalise (one t h) | us , f with f t
normalise (one t h) | us , f |   h'   = min us h'
normalise (zero  h) = zero (normalise h)

extract-min : {r : }  BHeap r  Maybe (BTree r × BHeap r)
extract-min = extract  fromBHeapᴹ  fromBHeapᴺ  normalise  proj₂  toBHeapᴹ

-- Proving that extract-min extracts the minimum root

-- specificiation

_ᴿ∈_ : Val  {r : }  BHeap r  Set
x ᴿ∈ nul     = 
x ᴿ∈ zero  h = x ᴿ∈ h
x ᴿ∈ one t h = x  root t  x ᴿ∈ h

_≤ᴿ_ : Val  {r : }  BHeap r  Set
x ≤ᴿ h = {y : Val}  y ᴿ∈ h  x  y

_IsMinRootOf_ : Val  {r : }  BHeap r  Set
x IsMinRootOf h = x ᴿ∈ h × x ≤ᴿ h

-- auxiliary proofs

root-element : {r : } {x : Val} (h : BHeapᴹ r (just x))  x ᴿ∈ fromBHeapᴹ h
root-element (min ts h) = inj₁ refl
root-element (sin ts h) = inj₁ refl
root-element (one t  h) = inj₂ (root-element h)
root-element (zero   h) = root-element h

- : {A : Set} {{_ : A}}  A
- {{a}} = a

empty-heap : {r : } (h : BHeapᴹ r nothing) {x : Val}  ¬ (x ᴿ∈ fromBHeapᴹ h)
empty-heap nul      = id
empty-heap (zero h) = empty-heap h

lower-bound : {r : } {x : Val} (h : BHeapᴹ r (just x))  x ≤ᴿ fromBHeapᴹ h
lower-bound (min ts h) (inj₁ refl) = ≤-refl
lower-bound (min ts h) (inj₂ eq  ) = ≤-trans - (lower-bound h eq)
lower-bound (sin ts h) (inj₁ refl) = ≤-refl
lower-bound (sin ts h) (inj₂ eq  ) = ⊥-elim (empty-heap h eq)
lower-bound (one t  h) (inj₁ refl) = -
lower-bound (one t  h) (inj₂ eq  ) = lower-bound h eq
lower-bound (zero   h) i           = lower-bound h i

min-root : {r : } {x : Val} (h : BHeapᴹ r (just x))  x IsMinRootOf (fromBHeapᴹ h)
min-root h = root-element h , lower-bound h

first-root : {r : }  BHeap r  Maybe Val
first-root nul       = nothing
first-root (zero  h) = first-root h
first-root (one t h) = just (root t)

normal-first : {r : } {mx : Maybe Val} (h : BHeapᴺ r mx true)  first-root (fromBHeapᴹ (fromBHeapᴺ h))  mx
normal-first nul        = refl
normal-first (min ts h) = refl
normal-first (sin ts h) = refl
normal-first (zero   h) = normal-first h

extract-first : {r : } (h : BHeap r) (root  proj₁) (extract h)  first-root h
extract-first nul       = refl
extract-first (zero  h) with extract-first h
extract-first (zero  h) | eq with extract h
extract-first (zero  h) | eq | just ((_ , forest _) , _) = eq
extract-first (zero  h) | eq | nothing = eq
extract-first (one t h) = refl

if-elim : {A B C : Set} (c : A  B) (ca : {{_ : A}}  C) (cb : {{_ : B}}  C) 
          (P : C  Set)  ({{_ : A}}  P ca)  ({{_ : B}}  P cb)  P (if c then ca else cb)
if-elim (inj₁ a) ca cb P pa pb = pa
if-elim (inj₂ b) ca cb P pa pb = pb

fromBHeapᴹ-toBHeapᴹ-inverse : {r : } (h : BHeap r)  fromBHeapᴹ (proj₂ (toBHeapᴹ h))  h
fromBHeapᴹ-toBHeapᴹ-inverse     nul       = refl
fromBHeapᴹ-toBHeapᴹ-inverse     (zero  h) = cong zero (fromBHeapᴹ-toBHeapᴹ-inverse h)
fromBHeapᴹ-toBHeapᴹ-inverse     (one t h) with fromBHeapᴹ-toBHeapᴹ-inverse h
fromBHeapᴹ-toBHeapᴹ-inverse     (one t h) | eq with toBHeapᴹ h
fromBHeapᴹ-toBHeapᴹ-inverse     (one t h) | eq | nothing , h' = cong (one t) eq
fromBHeapᴹ-toBHeapᴹ-inverse {r} (one t h) | eq | just x  , h' =
  if-elim {C = Σ[ mx  Maybe Val ] BHeapᴹ r mx} (root t ≤? x)  min (children t) h'   one t h' 
     w  fromBHeapᴹ (proj₂ w)  one t h) (cong (one t) eq) (cong (one t) eq)

-- main theorems
-- the root of the tree extracted by extract-min is the minimum root
extract-min-just : {r : } (h : BHeap r) {t : BTree r} {h' : BHeap r}  extract-min h  just (t , h')  (root t) IsMinRootOf h
extract-min-just h  eq with fromBHeapᴹ-toBHeapᴹ-inverse h
extract-min-just h  eq | eq'  with toBHeapᴹ h
extract-min-just h  eq | eq'  | mx      , h' with trans (sym (normal-first (normalise h')))
                                                        (trans (sym (extract-first (fromBHeapᴹ (fromBHeapᴺ (normalise h')))))
                                                               (cong ( (root  proj₁)) eq))
extract-min-just ._ eq | refl | just x  , h' | refl = min-root h'
extract-min-just h  eq | eq'  | nothing , h' | ()

-- a heap has no root (i.e., is empty) if extract-min fails for that heap
extract-min-nothing : {r : } (h : BHeap r)  extract-min h  nothing  {x : Val}  ¬ (x ᴿ∈ h)
extract-min-nothing h  eq with fromBHeapᴹ-toBHeapᴹ-inverse h
extract-min-nothing h  eq | eq'  with toBHeapᴹ h
extract-min-nothing h  eq | eq'  | mx      , h' with trans (sym (normal-first (normalise h')))
                                                           (trans (sym (extract-first (fromBHeapᴹ (fromBHeapᴺ (normalise h')))))
                                                                  (cong ( (root  proj₁)) eq))
extract-min-nothing h  eq | eq'  | just x  , h' | ()
extract-min-nothing ._ eq | refl | nothing , h' | _  = empty-heap h'