-- The Par datatype, which reifies the Maybe monad, and types of proofs of successful or failed computation (Section 2.1).

module BiGUL.Partiality where

open import Level using (Level)
open import Function
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Bool
import Data.Maybe as Maybe; open Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing; maybe)
import Data.Product as Product; open Product
import Data.Sum as Sum; open Sum
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.List
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

data Par : Set  Set₁ where
  return           : {A   : Set}  A  Par A
  _>>=_            : {A B : Set}  Par A  (A  Par B)  Par B
  fail             : {A   : Set}  Par A
  catch            : {A B : Set}  Par A  (A  Par B)  Par B  Par B
  assert_then_     : {A   : Set}  Bool  Par A  Par A
  assert-not_then_ : {A   : Set}  Bool  Par A  Par A

runPar : {A : Set}  Par A  Maybe A
runPar (return x) = just x
runPar (mx >>= f) with runPar mx
runPar (mx >>= f) | just x  = runPar (f x)
runPar (mx >>= f) | nothing = nothing
runPar fail       = nothing
runPar (catch mx f my) with runPar mx
runPar (catch mx f my) | just x  = runPar (f x)
runPar (catch mx f my) | nothing = runPar my
runPar (assert     b then mx) = if b then runPar mx else nothing
runPar (assert-not b then mx) = if b then nothing else runPar mx

stepPar : {A : Set}  Par A  Par A
stepPar (return x) = return x
stepPar (mx >>= f) with stepPar mx
stepPar (mx >>= f) | return x = f x
stepPar (mx >>= f) | fail     = fail
stepPar (mx >>= f) | mx'      = mx' >>= f
stepPar fail       = fail
stepPar (catch mx f my) with stepPar mx
stepPar (catch mx f my) | return x = f x
stepPar (catch mx f my) | fail     = my
stepPar (catch mx f my) | mx'      = catch mx' f my
stepPar (assert     b then mx) = if b then mx else fail
stepPar (assert-not b then mx) = if b then fail else mx

_>>_ : {A B : Set}  Par A  Par B  Par B
mx >> my = mx >>= const my

infixl 8 _<=<_

_<=<_ : {A B C : Set}  (B  Par C)  (A  Par B)  (A  Par C)
(f <=< g) x = g x >>= f

liftPar : {A B : Set}  (A  B)  Par A  Par B
liftPar f mx = mx >>= λ x  return (f x)

liftPar₂ : {A B C : Set}  (A  B  C)  Par A  Par B  Par C
liftPar₂ f mx my = mx >>= λ x  my >>= λ y  return (f x y)

mapPar : {A B : Set}  (A  Par B)  List A  Par (List B)
mapPar f []       = return []
mapPar f (x  xs) = liftPar₂ _∷_ (f x) (mapPar f xs)

foldrPar : {A B : Set}  (A  B  Par B)  B  List A  Par B
foldrPar f e []       = return e
foldrPar f e (x  xs) = foldrPar f e xs >>= f x

infixr 1 _>>=_ assert_then_ assert-not_then_


  data CompSeq : {A : Set}  Par A  A  Set₁ where
    return    : {A : Set} {x x' : A}  x  x'  CompSeq (return x) x'
    _>>=_     : {A B : Set} {x : A} {mx : Par A} {f : A  Par B} {y : B} 
                CompSeq mx x  CompSeq (f x) y  CompSeq (mx >>= f) y
    catch-fst : {A B : Set} {mx : Par A} {f : A  Par B} {my : Par B} {x : A} {z : B} 
                CompSeq mx x  CompSeq (f x) z  CompSeq (catch mx f my) z
    catch-snd : {A B : Set} {mx : Par A} {f : A  Par B} {my : Par B} {z : B} 
                FailedCompSeq mx  CompSeq my z  CompSeq (catch mx f my) z
    assert_then_     :
      {A : Set} {b : Bool} {mx : Par A} {x : A}  b  true   CompSeq mx x  CompSeq (assert b then mx) x
    assert-not_then_ :
      {A : Set} {b : Bool} {mx : Par A} {x : A}  b  false  CompSeq mx x  CompSeq (assert-not b then mx) x

  data FailedCompSeq : {A : Set}  Par A  Set₁ where
    bind-fst  : {A B : Set} {mx : Par A} {f : A  Par B}  FailedCompSeq mx  FailedCompSeq (mx >>= f)
    bind-snd  : {A B : Set} {mx : Par A} {x : A} {f : A  Par B} 
                CompSeq mx x  FailedCompSeq (f x)  FailedCompSeq (mx >>= f)
    fail      : {A : Set}  FailedCompSeq (fail {A})
    catch-fst : {A B : Set} {mx : Par A} {f : A  Par B} {my : Par B} 
                FailedCompSeq mx  FailedCompSeq my  FailedCompSeq (catch mx f my)
    catch-snd : {A B : Set} {mx : Par A} {f : A  Par B} {my : Par B} {x : A} 
                CompSeq mx x  FailedCompSeq (f x)  FailedCompSeq (catch mx f my)
    assert-fst     : {A : Set} {mx : Par A} {b : Bool}  b  false  FailedCompSeq (assert b then mx)
    assert-snd     : {A : Set} {mx : Par A} {b : Bool}  b  true   FailedCompSeq mx  FailedCompSeq (assert b then mx)
    assert-not-fst : {A : Set} {mx : Par A} {b : Bool}  b  true   FailedCompSeq (assert-not b then mx)
    assert-not-snd : {A : Set} {mx : Par A} {b : Bool}  b  false  FailedCompSeq mx  FailedCompSeq (assert-not b then mx)

_↦_ : {A : Set}  Par A  A  Set₁
_↦_ = CompSeq


  toCompSeq : {A : Set} {mx : Par A} {x : A}  runPar mx  just x  CompSeq mx x
  toCompSeq {mx = return x     } refl = return refl
  toCompSeq {mx = mx >>= f     } eq   with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
  toCompSeq {mx = mx >>= f     } eq   | just x  | [ runPar-eq ] = toCompSeq runPar-eq >>= toCompSeq eq
  toCompSeq {mx = mx >>= f     } ()   | nothing | _
  toCompSeq {mx = fail         } ()
  toCompSeq {mx = catch mx f my} eq   with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
  toCompSeq {mx = catch mx f my} eq   | just x  | [ runPar-eq ] = catch-fst (toCompSeq runPar-eq) (toCompSeq eq)
  toCompSeq {mx = catch mx f my} eq   | nothing | [ runPar-eq ] = catch-snd (toFailedCompSeq runPar-eq)
                                                                            (toCompSeq eq)
  toCompSeq {mx = assert     true  then mx} eq = assert refl then toCompSeq eq
  toCompSeq {mx = assert     false then mx} ()
  toCompSeq {mx = assert-not true  then mx} ()
  toCompSeq {mx = assert-not false then mx} eq = assert-not refl then toCompSeq eq

  toFailedCompSeq : {A : Set} {mx : Par A}  runPar mx  nothing  FailedCompSeq mx
  toFailedCompSeq {mx = return x            } ()
  toFailedCompSeq {mx = mx >>= f            } eq with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
  toFailedCompSeq {mx = mx >>= f            } eq | just x  | [ runPar-eq ] = bind-snd (toCompSeq runPar-eq)
                                                                                      (toFailedCompSeq eq)
  toFailedCompSeq {mx = mx >>= f            } eq | nothing | [ runPar-eq ] = bind-fst (toFailedCompSeq runPar-eq)
  toFailedCompSeq {mx = fail                } eq = fail
  toFailedCompSeq {mx = catch mx f my       } eq with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
  toFailedCompSeq {mx = catch mx f my       } eq | just x  | [ runPar-eq ] = catch-snd (toCompSeq runPar-eq)
                                                                                       (toFailedCompSeq eq)
  toFailedCompSeq {mx = catch mx f my       } eq | nothing | [ runPar-eq ] = catch-fst (toFailedCompSeq runPar-eq)
                                                                                       (toFailedCompSeq eq)
  toFailedCompSeq {mx = assert     true  then mx} eq = assert-snd refl (toFailedCompSeq eq)
  toFailedCompSeq {mx = assert     false then mx} eq = assert-fst refl
  toFailedCompSeq {mx = assert-not true  then mx} eq = assert-not-fst refl
  toFailedCompSeq {mx = assert-not false then mx} eq = assert-not-snd refl (toFailedCompSeq eq)


  fromCompSeq : {A : Set} {mx : Par A} {x : A}  CompSeq mx x  runPar mx  just x
  fromCompSeq (return refl                   ) = refl
  fromCompSeq (_>>=_ {mx = mx} comp comp'    ) with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
  fromCompSeq (_>>=_           comp comp'    ) | just x  | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromCompSeq comp)
  fromCompSeq (_>>=_           comp comp'    ) | just x  | [ eq ] | refl = fromCompSeq comp'
  fromCompSeq (_>>=_           comp comp'    ) | nothing | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromCompSeq comp)
  fromCompSeq (_>>=_           comp comp'    ) | nothing | [ eq ] | ()
  fromCompSeq (catch-fst {mx = mx} comp comp') with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
  fromCompSeq (catch-fst           comp comp') | just x  | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromCompSeq comp)
  fromCompSeq (catch-fst           comp comp') | just x  | [ eq ] | refl = fromCompSeq comp'
  fromCompSeq (catch-fst           comp comp') | nothing | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromCompSeq comp)
  fromCompSeq (catch-fst           comp comp') | nothing | [ eq ] | ()
  fromCompSeq (catch-snd {mx = mx} fcomp comp) with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
  fromCompSeq (catch-snd           fcomp comp) | just x  | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromFailedCompSeq fcomp)
  fromCompSeq (catch-snd           fcomp comp) | just x  | [ eq ] | ()
  fromCompSeq (catch-snd           fcomp comp) | nothing | [ eq ] = fromCompSeq comp
  fromCompSeq (assert     refl then comp     ) = fromCompSeq comp
  fromCompSeq (assert-not refl then comp     ) = fromCompSeq comp

  fromFailedCompSeq : {A : Set} {mx : Par A}  FailedCompSeq mx  runPar mx  nothing
  fromFailedCompSeq (bind-fst {mx = mx} fcomp        ) with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
  fromFailedCompSeq (bind-fst           fcomp        ) | just x  | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromFailedCompSeq fcomp)
  fromFailedCompSeq (bind-fst           fcomp        ) | just x  | [ eq ] | ()
  fromFailedCompSeq (bind-fst           fcomp        ) | nothing | [ eq ] = refl
  fromFailedCompSeq (bind-snd {mx = mx} comp fcomp   ) with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
  fromFailedCompSeq (bind-snd           comp fcomp   ) | just x  | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromCompSeq comp)
  fromFailedCompSeq (bind-snd           comp fcomp   ) | just x  | [ eq ] | refl = fromFailedCompSeq fcomp
  fromFailedCompSeq (bind-snd           comp fcomp   ) | nothing | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromCompSeq comp)
  fromFailedCompSeq (bind-snd           comp fcomp   ) | nothing | [ eq ] | ()
  fromFailedCompSeq fail                               = refl
  fromFailedCompSeq (catch-fst {mx = mx} fcomp fcomp') with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
  fromFailedCompSeq (catch-fst           fcomp fcomp') | just x  | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromFailedCompSeq fcomp)
  fromFailedCompSeq (catch-fst           fcomp fcomp') | just x  | [ eq ] | ()
  fromFailedCompSeq (catch-fst           fcomp fcomp') | nothing | [ eq ] = fromFailedCompSeq fcomp'
  fromFailedCompSeq (catch-snd {mx = mx} comp fcomp  ) with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
  fromFailedCompSeq (catch-snd {mx = mx} comp fcomp  ) | just x  | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromCompSeq comp)
  fromFailedCompSeq (catch-snd {mx = mx} comp fcomp  ) | just x  | [ eq ] | refl = fromFailedCompSeq fcomp
  fromFailedCompSeq (catch-snd {mx = mx} comp fcomp  ) | nothing | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromCompSeq comp)
  fromFailedCompSeq (catch-snd {mx = mx} comp fcomp  ) | nothing | [ eq ] | ()
  fromFailedCompSeq (assert-fst refl                 ) = refl
  fromFailedCompSeq (assert-snd refl fcomp           ) = fromFailedCompSeq fcomp
  fromFailedCompSeq (assert-not-fst refl             ) = refl
  fromFailedCompSeq (assert-not-snd refl fcomp       ) = fromFailedCompSeq fcomp

succeed-or-fail : {A : Set} (mx : Par A)  (Σ A (CompSeq mx))  FailedCompSeq mx
succeed-or-fail mx with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
succeed-or-fail mx | just x  | [ eq ] = inj₁ (x , toCompSeq eq)
succeed-or-fail mx | nothing | [ eq ] = inj₂ (toFailedCompSeq eq)

either-succeed-or-fail : {A : Set} {mx : Par A} {x : A}  CompSeq mx x  FailedCompSeq mx  
either-succeed-or-fail {mx = mx} comp fcomp with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
either-succeed-or-fail {mx = mx} comp fcomp | just x  | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromFailedCompSeq fcomp)
either-succeed-or-fail {mx = mx} comp fcomp | just x  | [ eq ] | ()
either-succeed-or-fail {mx = mx} comp fcomp | nothing | [ eq ] with trans (sym eq) (fromCompSeq comp)
either-succeed-or-fail {mx = mx} comp fcomp | nothing | [ eq ] | ()

strong-bind-snd : {A B : Set} {mx : Par A} {f : A  Par B}  ((x : A)  FailedCompSeq (f x))  FailedCompSeq (mx >>= f)
strong-bind-snd {mx = mx} {f} fcomps = toFailedCompSeq aux
    aux : runPar (mx >>= f)  nothing
    aux with runPar mx | inspect runPar mx
    aux | just x  | [ eq ] = fromFailedCompSeq (fcomps x)
    aux | nothing | [ eq ] = refl

record Iso (A B : Set) : Set₁ where
    to   : A  Par B
    from : B  Par A
    to-from-inverse : {x : A} {y : B}  to x  y  from y  x
    from-to-inverse : {y : B} {x : A}  from y  x  to x  y

infix 0 _≅_

_≅_ : Set  Set  Set₁
_≅_ = Iso

empty-iso : {A B : Set}  A  B
empty-iso = record
  { to   = const fail
  ; from = const fail
  ; to-from-inverse = λ ()
  ; from-to-inverse = λ () }

id-iso : {A : Set}  A  A
id-iso = record
  { to   = return
  ; from = return
  ; to-from-inverse = λ { {._} (return refl)  return refl }
  ; from-to-inverse = λ { {._} (return refl)  return refl } }

sym-iso : {A B : Set}  A  B  B  A
sym-iso iso = record
  { to   = Iso.from iso
  ; from = Iso.to   iso
  ; to-from-inverse = Iso.from-to-inverse iso
  ; from-to-inverse = Iso.to-from-inverse iso }

trans-iso : {A B C : Set}  A  B  B  C  A  C
trans-iso {A} {B} {C} iso-l iso-r = record
  { to   = Iso.to iso-r <=< Iso.to iso-l
  ; from = Iso.from iso-l <=< Iso.from iso-r
  ; from-to-inverse = λ { (r-comp >>= l-comp)  Iso.from-to-inverse iso-l l-comp >>= Iso.from-to-inverse iso-r r-comp }
  ; to-from-inverse = λ { (l-comp >>= r-comp)  Iso.to-from-inverse iso-r r-comp >>= Iso.to-from-inverse iso-l l-comp } }