module DynamicallyChecked.Universe where

open import DynamicallyChecked.Utilities
open import DynamicallyChecked.Partiality

open import Level using (Level)
open import Function using (id; const; _∘_; _∋_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.List
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

data U (n : ) : Set₁ where
  var  : (i : Fin n)  U n
  k    : (A : Set) (dec : Decidable (_≡_ {A = A}))  U n
  one  : U n
  _⊕_  : (F G : U n)  U n
  _⊗_  : (F G : U n)  U n

⟦_⟧ : {n : }  U n  (Fin n  Set)  Set
 var  i   Xs = Xs i
 k A dec  Xs = A
 one      Xs = 
 F  G    Xs =  F  Xs   G  Xs
 F  G    Xs =  F  Xs ×  G  Xs

Functor :   Set₁
Functor n = Fin n  U n

data μ {n : } (F : Functor n) : Fin n  Set where
  con : {i : Fin n}   F i  (μ F)  μ F i

decon : {n : } {F : Functor n} {i : Fin n}  μ F i   F i  (μ F)
decon (con x) = x

decong-inj₁ : {A B : Set} {x y : A}  (A  B  inj₁ x)  inj₁ y  x  y
decong-inj₁ refl = refl

decong-inj₂ : {A B : Set} {x y : B}  (A  B  inj₂ x)  inj₂ y  x  y
decong-inj₂ refl = refl

cong-head : {A : Set} {x y : A} {xs ys : List A}  x  xs  y  ys  x  y
cong-head refl = refl

cong-tail : {A : Set} {x y : A} {xs ys : List A}  x  xs  y  ys  xs  ys
cong-tail refl = refl


  μ-dec : {n : } {F : Functor n} {i : Fin n}  Decidable (_≡_ {A = μ F i})
  μ-dec {F = F} {i} (con x) (con y) with U-dec (F i) x y
  μ-dec {F = F} {i} (con x) (con y) | yes eq = yes (cong con eq)
  μ-dec {F = F} {i} (con x) (con y) | no neq = no (neq  cong decon)
  U-dec : {n : } {F : Functor n} (G : U n)  Decidable (_≡_ {A =  G  (μ F)})
  U-dec (var i)   x        y         = μ-dec x y
  U-dec (k A dec) x        y         = dec x y
  U-dec  one      x        y         = yes refl
  U-dec (G  H)   (inj₁ x) (inj₁ x') with U-dec G x x'
  U-dec (G  H)   (inj₁ x) (inj₁ x') | yes eq = yes (cong inj₁ eq)
  U-dec (G  H)   (inj₁ x) (inj₁ x') | no neq = no (neq  decong-inj₁)
  U-dec (G  H)   (inj₁ x) (inj₂ y ) = no  ())
  U-dec (G  H)   (inj₂ y) (inj₁ x ) = no  ())
  U-dec (G  H)   (inj₂ y) (inj₂ y') with U-dec H y y'
  U-dec (G  H)   (inj₂ y) (inj₂ y') | yes eq = yes (cong inj₂ eq)
  U-dec (G  H)   (inj₂ y) (inj₂ y') | no neq = no (neq  decong-inj₂)
  U-dec (G  H)   (x , y)  (x' , y') with U-dec G x x' | U-dec H y y'
  U-dec (G  H)   (x , y)  (x' , y') | yes xeq | yes yeq = yes (cong₂ _,_ xeq yeq)
  U-dec (G  H)   (x , y)  (x' , y') | yes xeq | no yneq = no (yneq  cong proj₂)
  U-dec (G  H)   (x , y)  (x' , y') | no xneq | _       = no (xneq  cong proj₁)

data Pattern {n : } (F : Functor n) : U n  Set₁ where
  var   : {G : U n}  Pattern F G
  k     : {G : U n} (x :  G  (μ F))  Pattern F G
  left  : {G H : U n} (pat : Pattern F G)  Pattern F (G  H)
  right : {G H : U n} (pat : Pattern F H)  Pattern F (G  H)
  prod  : {G H : U n} (lpat : Pattern F G) (rpat : Pattern F H)  Pattern F (G  H)
  con   : {i : Fin n} (pat : Pattern F (F i))  Pattern F (var i)

⟦_⟧ᴾ : {l : Level} {n : } {F : Functor n} {G : U n}  Pattern F G  (U n  Set l)  Set l
 var  {G}       ⟧ᴾ f = f G
 k x            ⟧ᴾ f = 
 left  pat      ⟧ᴾ f =  pat ⟧ᴾ f
 right pat      ⟧ᴾ f =  pat ⟧ᴾ f
 prod lpat rpat ⟧ᴾ f =  lpat ⟧ᴾ f ×  rpat ⟧ᴾ f
 con pat        ⟧ᴾ f =  pat ⟧ᴾ f

defaultᴾ : {l : Level} {n : } {F : Functor n} {G : U n}
           (pat : Pattern F G) (f : U n  Set l)  ((H : U n)  f H)   pat ⟧ᴾ f
defaultᴾ (var {G})        f g = g G
defaultᴾ (k x)            f g = tt
defaultᴾ (left  pat)      f g = defaultᴾ pat f g
defaultᴾ (right pat)      f g = defaultᴾ pat f g
defaultᴾ (prod lpat rpat) f g = defaultᴾ lpat f g , defaultᴾ rpat f g
defaultᴾ (con pat)        f g = defaultᴾ pat f g

module PatternMatching {n : } {F : Functor n} where

  ⟦_⟧ᴾᵁ : {G : U n}  Pattern F G  (U n  U n)  (U n  U n)  U n
   var {G}        ⟧ᴾᵁ f g = f G
   k x            ⟧ᴾᵁ f g = one
   left  pat      ⟧ᴾᵁ f g =  pat  ⟧ᴾᵁ f g
   right pat      ⟧ᴾᵁ f g =  pat  ⟧ᴾᵁ f g
   prod lpat rpat ⟧ᴾᵁ f g =  lpat ⟧ᴾᵁ f g   rpat ⟧ᴾᵁ f g
   con pat        ⟧ᴾᵁ f g =  pat  ⟧ᴾᵁ f g

  PatResultU : {G : U n}  Pattern F G  U n
  PatResultU pat =  pat ⟧ᴾᵁ id id

  PatResult : {G : U n}  Pattern F G  Set
  PatResult pat =  PatResultU pat  (μ F)

  deconstruct : {G : U n} (pat : Pattern F G)   G  (μ F)  Par (PatResult pat)
  deconstruct         var              x        = return x
  deconstruct {G = G} (k x')           x        with U-dec G x' x
  deconstruct         (k x')           x        | yes _ = return tt
  deconstruct         (k x')           x        | no  _ = fail
  deconstruct         (left  pat)      (inj₁ x) = deconstruct pat x
  deconstruct         (left  pat)      (inj₂ x) = fail
  deconstruct         (right pat)      (inj₁ x) = fail
  deconstruct         (right pat)      (inj₂ x) = deconstruct pat x
  deconstruct         (prod lpat rpat) (x , y ) = liftPar₂ _,_ (deconstruct lpat x) (deconstruct rpat y)
  deconstruct         (con pat)        (con x)  = deconstruct pat x

  construct : {G : U n} (pat : Pattern F G)  PatResult pat   G  (μ F)
  construct var              x       = x
  construct (k x')           tt      = x'
  construct (left  pat)      x       = inj₁ (construct pat x)
  construct (right pat)      x       = inj₂ (construct pat x)
  construct (prod lpat rpat) (x , y) = construct lpat x , construct rpat y
  construct (con pat)        x       = con (construct pat x)

  deconstruct-construct-inverse : {G : U n} (pat : Pattern F G) (x :  G  (μ F)) {y : PatResult pat} 
    deconstruct pat x  y  construct pat y  x
  deconstruct-construct-inverse         var              x        (return eq) = sym eq
  deconstruct-construct-inverse {G = G} (k x')           x        deconstruct↦ with U-dec G x' x
  deconstruct-construct-inverse         (k x')           x        deconstruct↦ | yes eq = eq
  deconstruct-construct-inverse         (k x')           x        ()           | no  _
  deconstruct-construct-inverse         (left  pat)      (inj₁ x) deconstruct↦ =
    cong inj₁ (deconstruct-construct-inverse pat x deconstruct↦)
  deconstruct-construct-inverse         (left  pat)      (inj₂ y) ()
  deconstruct-construct-inverse         (right pat)      (inj₁ x) ()
  deconstruct-construct-inverse         (right pat)      (inj₂ y) deconstruct↦ =
    cong inj₂ (deconstruct-construct-inverse pat y deconstruct↦)
  deconstruct-construct-inverse         (prod lpat rpat) (x , y)  (deconstruct-lpat-x↦ >>=
                                                                   deconstruct-rpat-y↦ >>= return refl) =
    cong₂ _,_ (deconstruct-construct-inverse lpat x deconstruct-lpat-x↦)
              (deconstruct-construct-inverse rpat y deconstruct-rpat-y↦)
  deconstruct-construct-inverse         (con pat)        (con x)  deconstruct↦ =
    cong con (deconstruct-construct-inverse pat x deconstruct↦)

  construct-deconstruct-inverse : {G : U n} (pat : Pattern F G) (y : PatResult pat)  deconstruct pat (construct pat y)  y
  construct-deconstruct-inverse         var              y       = return refl
  construct-deconstruct-inverse {G = G} (k x)            y       with U-dec G x x
  construct-deconstruct-inverse {G = G} (k x)            y       | yes _  = return refl
  construct-deconstruct-inverse {G = G} (k x)            y       | no neq with neq refl
  construct-deconstruct-inverse {G = G} (k x)            y       | no neq | ()
  construct-deconstruct-inverse         (left  pat)      y       = construct-deconstruct-inverse pat y
  construct-deconstruct-inverse         (right pat)      y       = construct-deconstruct-inverse pat y
  construct-deconstruct-inverse         (prod lpat rpat) (y , z) = construct-deconstruct-inverse lpat y >>=
                                                                   construct-deconstruct-inverse rpat z >>= return refl
  construct-deconstruct-inverse         (con pat)        y       = construct-deconstruct-inverse pat y

  pat-iso : {G : U n} (pat : Pattern F G)   G  (μ F)  PatResult pat
  pat-iso pat = record
    { to   = deconstruct pat
    ; from = return  construct pat
    ; to-from-inverse = return  deconstruct-construct-inverse pat _
    ; from-to-inverse = λ { {_} {._} (return refl)  construct-deconstruct-inverse pat _ } }
  construct-injective : {G : U n} (pat : Pattern F G) {x y : PatResult pat}  construct pat x  construct pat y  x  y
  construct-injective pat {x} {y}  eq with trans (sym (fromCompSeq (construct-deconstruct-inverse pat x)))
                                                 (trans (cong (runPar  deconstruct pat) eq)
                                                        (fromCompSeq (construct-deconstruct-inverse pat y)))
  construct-injective pat {x} {.x} eq | refl = refl

open PatternMatching public