module Relation.Binary.List.StrictLex where
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit.Base using (⊤; tt)
open import Function
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.List.Base
open import Level
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.Consequences
open import Relation.Binary.List.Pointwise as Pointwise
using ([]; _∷_; head; tail)
module _ {A : Set} where
data Lex (P : Set) (_≈_ _<_ : Rel A zero) : Rel (List A) zero where
base : P → Lex P _≈_ _<_ [] []
halt : ∀ {y ys} → Lex P _≈_ _<_ [] (y ∷ ys)
this : ∀ {x xs y ys} (x<y : x < y) → Lex P _≈_ _<_ (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys)
next : ∀ {x xs y ys} (x≈y : x ≈ y)
(xs⊴ys : Lex P _≈_ _<_ xs ys) → Lex P _≈_ _<_ (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys)
Lex-< : (_≈_ _<_ : Rel A zero) → Rel (List A) zero
Lex-< = Lex ⊥
¬[]<[] : ∀ {_≈_ _<_} → ¬ Lex-< _≈_ _<_ [] []
¬[]<[] (base ())
Lex-≤ : (_≈_ _<_ : Rel A zero) → Rel (List A) zero
Lex-≤ = Lex ⊤
¬≤-this : ∀ {P _≈_ _<_ x y xs ys} → ¬ (x ≈ y) → ¬ (x < y) →
¬ Lex P _≈_ _<_ (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys)
¬≤-this ¬x≈y ¬x<y (this x<y) = ¬x<y x<y
¬≤-this ¬x≈y ¬x<y (next x≈y xs⊴ys) = ¬x≈y x≈y
¬≤-next : ∀ {P _≈_ _<_ x y xs ys} →
¬ (x < y) → ¬ Lex P _≈_ _<_ xs ys →
¬ Lex P _≈_ _<_ (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys)
¬≤-next ¬x<y ¬xs⊴ys (this x<y) = ¬x<y x<y
¬≤-next ¬x<y ¬xs⊴ys (next x≈y xs⊴ys) = ¬xs⊴ys xs⊴ys
≤-reflexive : ∀ _≈_ _<_ → Pointwise.Rel _≈_ ⇒ Lex-≤ _≈_ _<_
≤-reflexive _≈_ _<_ [] = base tt
≤-reflexive _≈_ _<_ (x≈y ∷ xs≈ys) =
next x≈y (≤-reflexive _≈_ _<_ xs≈ys)
<-irreflexive : ∀ {_≈_ _<_} → Irreflexive _≈_ _<_ →
Irreflexive (Pointwise.Rel _≈_) (Lex-< _≈_ _<_)
<-irreflexive irr [] (base ())
<-irreflexive irr (x≈y ∷ xs≈ys) (this x<y) = irr x≈y x<y
<-irreflexive irr (x≈y ∷ xs≈ys) (next x≊y xs⊴ys) =
<-irreflexive irr xs≈ys xs⊴ys
transitive : ∀ {P _≈_ _<_} →
IsEquivalence _≈_ → _<_ Respects₂ _≈_ → Transitive _<_ →
Transitive (Lex P _≈_ _<_)
transitive {P} {_≈_} {_<_} eq resp tr = trans
trans : Transitive (Lex P _≈_ _<_)
trans (base p) (base _) = base p
trans (base y) halt = halt
trans halt (this y<z) = halt
trans halt (next y≈z ys⊴zs) = halt
trans (this x<y) (this y<z) = this (tr x<y y<z)
trans (this x<y) (next y≈z ys⊴zs) = this (proj₁ resp y≈z x<y)
trans (next x≈y xs⊴ys) (this y<z) =
this (proj₂ resp (IsEquivalence.sym eq x≈y) y<z)
trans (next x≈y xs⊴ys) (next y≈z ys⊴zs) =
next (IsEquivalence.trans eq x≈y y≈z) (trans xs⊴ys ys⊴zs)
antisymmetric :
∀ {P _≈_ _<_} →
Symmetric _≈_ → Irreflexive _≈_ _<_ → Asymmetric _<_ →
Antisymmetric (Pointwise.Rel _≈_) (Lex P _≈_ _<_)
antisymmetric {P} {_≈_} {_<_} sym ir asym = as
as : Antisymmetric (Pointwise.Rel _≈_) (Lex P _≈_ _<_)
as (base _) (base _) = []
as halt ()
as (this x<y) (this y<x) = ⊥-elim (asym x<y y<x)
as (this x<y) (next y≈x ys⊴xs) = ⊥-elim (ir (sym y≈x) x<y)
as (next x≈y xs⊴ys) (this y<x) = ⊥-elim (ir (sym x≈y) y<x)
as (next x≈y xs⊴ys) (next y≈x ys⊴xs) = x≈y ∷ as xs⊴ys ys⊴xs
<-asymmetric : ∀ {_≈_ _<_} →
Symmetric _≈_ → _<_ Respects₂ _≈_ → Asymmetric _<_ →
Asymmetric (Lex-< _≈_ _<_)
<-asymmetric {_≈_} {_<_} sym resp as = asym
irrefl : Irreflexive _≈_ _<_
irrefl = asym⟶irr resp sym as
asym : Asymmetric (Lex-< _≈_ _<_)
asym (base bot) _ = bot
asym halt ()
asym (this x<y) (this y<x) = as x<y y<x
asym (this x<y) (next y≈x ys⊴xs) = irrefl (sym y≈x) x<y
asym (next x≈y xs⊴ys) (this y<x) = irrefl (sym x≈y) y<x
asym (next x≈y xs⊴ys) (next y≈x ys⊴xs) = asym xs⊴ys ys⊴xs
respects₂ : ∀ {P _≈_ _<_} →
IsEquivalence _≈_ → _<_ Respects₂ _≈_ →
Lex P _≈_ _<_ Respects₂ Pointwise.Rel _≈_
respects₂ {P} {_≈_} {_<_} eq resp =
(λ {xs} {ys} {zs} → resp¹ {xs} {ys} {zs}) ,
(λ {xs} {ys} {zs} → resp² {xs} {ys} {zs})
resp¹ : ∀ {xs} → Lex P _≈_ _<_ xs Respects Pointwise.Rel _≈_
resp¹ [] xs⊴[] = xs⊴[]
resp¹ (x≈y ∷ xs≈ys) halt = halt
resp¹ (x≈y ∷ xs≈ys) (this z<x) = this (proj₁ resp x≈y z<x)
resp¹ (x≈y ∷ xs≈ys) (next z≈x zs⊴xs) =
next (Eq.trans z≈x x≈y) (resp¹ xs≈ys zs⊴xs)
where module Eq = IsEquivalence eq
resp² : ∀ {ys} → flip (Lex P _≈_ _<_) ys Respects Pointwise.Rel _≈_
resp² [] []⊴ys = []⊴ys
resp² (x≈z ∷ xs≈zs) (this x<y) = this (proj₂ resp x≈z x<y)
resp² (x≈z ∷ xs≈zs) (next x≈y xs⊴ys) =
next (Eq.trans (Eq.sym x≈z) x≈y) (resp² xs≈zs xs⊴ys)
where module Eq = IsEquivalence eq
decidable : ∀ {P _≈_ _<_} →
Dec P → Decidable _≈_ → Decidable _<_ →
Decidable (Lex P _≈_ _<_)
decidable (yes p) dec-≈ dec-< [] [] = yes (base p)
decidable (no ¬p) dec-≈ dec-< [] [] = no λ{(base p) → ¬p p}
decidable dec-P dec-≈ dec-< [] (y ∷ ys) = yes halt
decidable dec-P dec-≈ dec-< (x ∷ xs) [] = no (λ ())
decidable dec-P dec-≈ dec-< (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) with dec-< x y
... | yes x<y = yes (this x<y)
... | no ¬x<y with dec-≈ x y
... | no ¬x≈y = no (¬≤-this ¬x≈y ¬x<y)
... | yes x≈y with decidable dec-P dec-≈ dec-< xs ys
... | yes xs⊴ys = yes (next x≈y xs⊴ys)
... | no ¬xs⊴ys = no (¬≤-next ¬x<y ¬xs⊴ys)
<-decidable :
∀ {_≈_ _<_} →
Decidable _≈_ → Decidable _<_ → Decidable (Lex-< _≈_ _<_)
<-decidable = decidable (no id)
≤-decidable :
∀ {_≈_ _<_} →
Decidable _≈_ → Decidable _<_ → Decidable (Lex-≤ _≈_ _<_)
≤-decidable = decidable (yes tt)
≤-total :
∀ {_≈_ _<_} →
Symmetric _≈_ → Trichotomous _≈_ _<_ → Total (Lex-≤ _≈_ _<_)
≤-total {_≈_} {_<_} sym tri = total
total : Total (Lex-≤ _≈_ _<_)
total [] [] = inj₁ (base tt)
total [] (x ∷ xs) = inj₁ halt
total (x ∷ xs) [] = inj₂ halt
total (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) with tri x y
... | tri< x<y _ _ = inj₁ (this x<y)
... | tri> _ _ y<x = inj₂ (this y<x)
... | tri≈ _ x≈y _ with total xs ys
... | inj₁ xs≲ys = inj₁ (next x≈y xs≲ys)
... | inj₂ ys≲xs = inj₂ (next (sym x≈y) ys≲xs)
<-compare : ∀ {_≈_ _<_} →
Symmetric _≈_ → Trichotomous _≈_ _<_ →
Trichotomous (Pointwise.Rel _≈_) (Lex-< _≈_ _<_)
<-compare {_≈_} {_<_} sym tri = cmp
cmp : Trichotomous (Pointwise.Rel _≈_) (Lex-< _≈_ _<_)
cmp [] [] = tri≈ ¬[]<[] [] ¬[]<[]
cmp [] (y ∷ ys) = tri< halt (λ ()) (λ ())
cmp (x ∷ xs) [] = tri> (λ ()) (λ ()) halt
cmp (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) with tri x y
... | tri< x<y ¬x≈y ¬y<x =
tri< (this x<y) (¬x≈y ∘ head) (¬≤-this (¬x≈y ∘ sym) ¬y<x)
... | tri> ¬x<y ¬x≈y y<x =
tri> (¬≤-this ¬x≈y ¬x<y) (¬x≈y ∘ head) (this y<x)
... | tri≈ ¬x<y x≈y ¬y<x with cmp xs ys
... | tri< xs<ys ¬xs≈ys ¬ys<xs =
tri< (next x≈y xs<ys) (¬xs≈ys ∘ tail) (¬≤-next ¬y<x ¬ys<xs)
... | tri≈ ¬xs<ys xs≈ys ¬ys<xs =
tri≈ (¬≤-next ¬x<y ¬xs<ys) (x≈y ∷ xs≈ys) (¬≤-next ¬y<x ¬ys<xs)
... | tri> ¬xs<ys ¬xs≈ys ys<xs =
tri> (¬≤-next ¬x<y ¬xs<ys) (¬xs≈ys ∘ tail) (next (sym x≈y) ys<xs)
≤-isPreorder : ∀ {_≈_ _<_} →
IsEquivalence _≈_ → Transitive _<_ → _<_ Respects₂ _≈_ →
IsPreorder (Pointwise.Rel _≈_) (Lex-≤ _≈_ _<_)
≤-isPreorder {_≈_} {_<_} eq tr resp = record
{ isEquivalence = Pointwise.isEquivalence eq
; reflexive = ≤-reflexive _≈_ _<_
; trans = transitive eq resp tr
≤-isPartialOrder : ∀ {_≈_ _<_} →
IsStrictPartialOrder _≈_ _<_ →
IsPartialOrder (Pointwise.Rel _≈_) (Lex-≤ _≈_ _<_)
≤-isPartialOrder {_≈_} {_<_} spo = record
{ isPreorder = ≤-isPreorder isEquivalence trans <-resp-≈
; antisym = antisymmetric Eq.sym irrefl
(trans∧irr⟶asym {_≈_ = _≈_} {_<_ = _<_}
Eq.refl trans irrefl)
} where open IsStrictPartialOrder spo
≤-isTotalOrder : ∀ {_≈_ _<_} →
IsStrictTotalOrder _≈_ _<_ →
IsTotalOrder (Pointwise.Rel _≈_) (Lex-≤ _≈_ _<_)
≤-isTotalOrder sto = record
{ isPartialOrder =
≤-isPartialOrder (record
{ isEquivalence = isEquivalence
; irrefl = tri⟶irr compare
; trans = trans
; <-resp-≈ = <-resp-≈
; total = ≤-total Eq.sym compare
} where open IsStrictTotalOrder sto
≤-isDecTotalOrder : ∀ {_≈_ _<_} →
IsStrictTotalOrder _≈_ _<_ →
IsDecTotalOrder (Pointwise.Rel _≈_) (Lex-≤ _≈_ _<_)
≤-isDecTotalOrder sto = record
{ isTotalOrder = ≤-isTotalOrder sto
; _≟_ = Pointwise.decidable _≟_
; _≤?_ = ≤-decidable _≟_ (tri⟶dec< compare)
} where open IsStrictTotalOrder sto
: ∀ {_≈_ _<_} → IsStrictPartialOrder _≈_ _<_ →
IsStrictPartialOrder (Pointwise.Rel _≈_) (Lex-< _≈_ _<_)
<-isStrictPartialOrder spo = record
{ isEquivalence = Pointwise.isEquivalence isEquivalence
; irrefl = <-irreflexive irrefl
; trans = transitive isEquivalence <-resp-≈ trans
; <-resp-≈ = respects₂ isEquivalence <-resp-≈
} where open IsStrictPartialOrder spo
: ∀ {_≈_ _<_} → IsStrictTotalOrder _≈_ _<_ →
IsStrictTotalOrder (Pointwise.Rel _≈_) (Lex-< _≈_ _<_)
<-isStrictTotalOrder sto = record
{ isEquivalence = Pointwise.isEquivalence isEquivalence
; trans = transitive isEquivalence <-resp-≈ trans
; compare = <-compare Eq.sym compare
} where open IsStrictTotalOrder sto
≤-preorder : Preorder _ _ _ → Preorder _ _ _
≤-preorder pre = record
{ isPreorder = ≤-isPreorder isEquivalence trans ∼-resp-≈
} where open Preorder pre
≤-partialOrder : StrictPartialOrder _ _ _ → Poset _ _ _
≤-partialOrder spo = record
{ isPartialOrder = ≤-isPartialOrder isStrictPartialOrder
} where open StrictPartialOrder spo
≤-decTotalOrder : StrictTotalOrder _ _ _ → DecTotalOrder _ _ _
≤-decTotalOrder sto = record
{ isDecTotalOrder = ≤-isDecTotalOrder isStrictTotalOrder
} where open StrictTotalOrder sto
<-strictPartialOrder :
StrictPartialOrder _ _ _ → StrictPartialOrder _ _ _
<-strictPartialOrder spo = record
{ isStrictPartialOrder = <-isStrictPartialOrder isStrictPartialOrder
} where open StrictPartialOrder spo
<-strictTotalOrder : StrictTotalOrder _ _ _ → StrictTotalOrder _ _ _
<-strictTotalOrder sto = record
{ isStrictTotalOrder = <-isStrictTotalOrder isStrictTotalOrder
} where open StrictTotalOrder sto