--                                                                    --
--  Agda code accompanying the article                                --
--                                                                    --
--    Programming metamorphic algorithms:                             --
--    An experiment in type-driven algorithm design                   --
--                                                                    --
--    https://doi.org/10.22152/programming-journal.org/2021/5/7       --
--                                                                    --
--  by Hsiang-Shang ‘Josh’ Ko                                         --
--    (Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)     --
--                                                                    --
--  Checked with Agda version 2.6.1 and Standard Library version 1.3  --
--                                                                    --

open import Function
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Maybe
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

data List (A : Set) : Set where
  []  : List A
  _∷_ : A  List A  List A

foldr : {A S : Set}  (A  S  S)  S  List A  S
foldr _◁_ e []       = e
foldr _◁_ e (a  as) = a  foldr _◁_ e as

foldl : {A S : Set}  (S  A  S)  S  List A  S
foldl _▷_ e []       = e
foldl _▷_ e (a  as) = foldl _▷_ (e  a) as


  record CoList (B : Set) : Set where
      decon : CoListF B

  data CoListF (B : Set) : Set where
    []  : CoListF B
    _∷_ : B  CoList B  CoListF B

unfoldr : {B S : Set}  (S  Maybe (B × S))  S  CoList B
CoList.decon (unfoldr g s) with g s
CoList.decon (unfoldr g s) | nothing       = []
CoList.decon (unfoldr g s) | just (b , s') = b  unfoldr g s'

data AlgList (A {S} : Set) (_◁_ : A  S  S) (e : S) : S  Set where
  []  : AlgList A _◁_ e e
  _∷_ : (a : A)  {s : S}  AlgList A _◁_ e s  AlgList A _◁_ e (a  s)


  record CoalgList (B {S} : Set) (g : S  Maybe (B × S)) (s : S) : Set where
        decon : CoalgListF B g s

  data CoalgListF (B {S} : Set) (g : S  Maybe (B × S)) : S  Set where
    ⟨_⟩    : {s : S}  g s  nothing  CoalgListF B g s
    _∷⟨_⟩_ : (b : B)  {s s' : S}  g s  just (b , s')  CoalgList B g s'  CoalgListF B g s

open CoalgList

from-left-alg : {A S : Set}  (S  A  S)  A  (S  S)  (S  S)
from-left-alg _▷_ a t = t  flip _▷_ a

foldl-as-foldr : {A S : Set} {_▷_ : S  A  S} {e : S}
                 (as : List A)  foldl _▷_ e as  foldr (from-left-alg _▷_) id as e
foldl-as-foldr []       = refl
foldl-as-foldr (a  as) = foldl-as-foldr as

module _ {A B S : Set} where

  module ConsumingBeforeProducing
    (_▷_ : S  A  S) (g : S  Maybe (B × S))

    cbp : (s : S)  {h : S  S}  AlgList A (from-left-alg _▷_) id h  CoalgList B g (h s)
    decon (cbp s []) with g s        | inspect g s
    decon (cbp s []) | nothing       | [ eq ] =  eq 
    decon (cbp s []) | just (b , s') | [ eq ] = b ∷⟨ eq  cbp s' []
    cbp s (a  as) = cbp (s  a) as

  module Streaming
    (_▷_ : S  A  S) (g : S  Maybe (B × S))
    (streaming-condition :
       {a : A} {b : B} {s s' : S}  g s  just (b , s')  g (s  a)  just (b , s'  a))

    streaming-lemma : {b : B} {s s' : S} {h : S  S} 
                      AlgList A (from-left-alg _▷_) id h  g s  just (b , s')  g (h s)  just (b , h s')
    streaming-lemma []       eq = eq
    streaming-lemma (a  as) eq = streaming-lemma as (streaming-condition eq)

    stream : (s : S)  {h : S  S}  AlgList A (from-left-alg _▷_) id h  CoalgList B g (h s)
    decon (stream s as      ) with g s        | inspect g s
    decon (stream s []      ) | nothing       | [ eq ] =  eq 
    decon (stream s (a  as)) | nothing       | [ eq ] = decon (stream (s  a) as)
    decon (stream s as      ) | just (b , s') | [ eq ] = b ∷⟨ streaming-lemma as eq  stream s' as

  cong-from-just : {X : Set} {x x' : X}  (Maybe X  just x)  just x'  x  x'
  cong-from-just refl = refl

  module Jigsaw-Infinite
    (_◁_ : A  S  S) (e : S) (g∞ : S  B × S)
    (piece : A × B  B × A)
    (jigsaw-conditionᵢ : {a : A} {b : B} {s s' : S} 
                         g∞ s  (b , s')  let (b' , a') = piece (a , b) in g∞ (a  s)  (b' , a'  s'))
    (straight : B) (straight-production : g∞ e  (straight , e))

    fillᵢₕ : {s : S}  AlgList A _◁_ e s  Σ[ b  B ] Σ[ t  S ] AlgList A _◁_ e t × (g∞ s  (b , t))
    fillᵢₕ []       = straight , _ , [] , straight-production
    fillᵢₕ (a  as) with fillᵢₕ as
    fillᵢₕ (a  as) | b , _ , as' , eq = let (b' , a') = piece (a , b)
                                         in  b' , _ , a'  as' , jigsaw-conditionᵢ eq

    jigsawᵢₕ : {s : S}  AlgList A _◁_ e s  CoalgList B (just  g∞) s
    decon (jigsawᵢₕ as) with fillᵢₕ as
    decon (jigsawᵢₕ as) | b , _ , as' , eq = b ∷⟨ cong just eq  jigsawᵢₕ as'
    fillᵢᵥ : {s : S} (a : A)  CoalgList B (just  g∞) s  CoalgList B (just  g∞) (a  s)  
    decon (fillᵢᵥ a bs) with decon bs
    decon (fillᵢᵥ a bs) |  () 
    decon (fillᵢᵥ a bs) | b ∷⟨ eq  bs' =
      let (b' , a') = piece (a , b)
      in  b' ∷⟨ cong just (jigsaw-conditionᵢ (cong-from-just eq))  fillᵢᵥ a' bs'

    jigsawᵢᵥ : {s : S}  AlgList A _◁_ e s  CoalgList B (just  g∞) s
    decon (jigsawᵢᵥ []) = straight ∷⟨ cong just straight-production  jigsawᵢᵥ []
    jigsawᵢᵥ (a  as) = fillᵢᵥ a (jigsawᵢᵥ as)

  module Jigsaw-General
    (_◁_ : A  S  S) (e : S) (g : S  Maybe (B × S))
    (nothing-from-e : g e  nothing)
    (piece : A × B  B × A)
    (flat? : (a : A)  ({s : S}  g s  nothing  g (a  s)  nothing) 
                       ({s : S}  g (a  s)  nothing))
    (straight : B)
    (jigsaw-condition :
       {a : A} {b : B} {s s' : S} 
       g s  just (b , s')  (g s  nothing × g (a  s)  nothing × b  straight × s'  s) 
       let (b' , a') = piece (a , b) in g (a  s)  just (b' , a'  s'))

    fill : {s : S} (a : A)  CoalgList B g s  CoalgList B g (a  s)
    decon (fill a bs) with decon bs
    decon (fill a bs) |  eq  with flat? a 
    decon (fill a bs) |  eq  | inj₁ flat     =  flat eq 
    decon (fill a bs) |  eq  | inj₂ not-flat =
      let (b' , a') = piece (a , straight)
      in  b' ∷⟨ jigsaw-condition (inj₂ (eq , not-flat , refl , refl))  fill a' bs
    decon (fill a bs) | b ∷⟨ eq  bs' =
      let (b' , a') = piece (a , b)
      in  b' ∷⟨ jigsaw-condition (inj₁ eq)  fill a' bs'

    jigsaw : {s : S}  AlgList A _◁_ e s  CoalgList B g s
    decon (jigsaw []) =  nothing-from-e 
    jigsaw (a  as) = fill a (jigsaw as)

  module Jigsaw-Left-Infinite
    (_▷_ : S  A  S) (g : S  B × S)
    (piece : B × A  A × B)
    (jigsaw-condition : {a : A} {b : B} {s s' : S} 
                        g s  (b , s')  let (a' , b') = piece (b , a) in  g (s  a)  (b' , s'  a'))

    fillₗᵢ : {s : S}  CoalgList B (just  g) s  (a : A)  CoalgList B (just  g) (s  a)
    decon (fillₗᵢ bs a) with decon bs
    decon (fillₗᵢ bs a) |  () 
    decon (fillₗᵢ bs a) | b ∷⟨ eq  bs' =
      let (a' , b') = piece (b , a)
      in  b' ∷⟨ cong just (jigsaw-condition (cong-from-just eq))  fillₗᵢ bs' a'

    jigsawₗᵢ : {s : S}  CoalgList B (just  g) s 
              {h : S  S}  AlgList A (from-left-alg _▷_) id h  CoalgList B (just  g) (h s)
    jigsawₗᵢ bs []       = bs
    jigsawₗᵢ bs (a  as) = jigsawₗᵢ (fillₗᵢ bs a) as