-- Decidable total ordering on natural numbers and minimum.

module Examples.Nat.TotalOrdering where

open import Description
open import Ornament
open import Examples.Nat

open import Function using (_∘_; _∋_)
open import Data.Empty using (; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; Σ-syntax; _,_; _×_) renaming (map to _**_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; _≢_; cong; sym; trans)

-- canonical less-than-or-equal-to ordering on natural numbers (bottom-up representation)

LeD : Desc (Nat × Nat)
LeD = wrap λ { (x , y) 
               σ ListTag λ { `nil   σ[ _  x  zero ] ṿ []
                           ; `cons  σ[ x'  Nat ] σ[ y'  Nat ] σ[ _  (suc x' , suc y')  (Nat × Nat  x , y) ] ṿ ((x' , y')  []) } }

_≤_ : Nat  Nat  Set
x  y = μ LeD (x , y)

_≰_ : Nat  Nat  Set
x  y = ¬ (x  y)

infix 3 _≤_ _≰_

≤-base : {y : Nat}  zero  y
≤-base = con (`nil , refl , tt)

≤-step : {x y : Nat}  x  y  suc x  suc y
≤-step le = con (`cons , _ , _ , refl , le , tt)

≤-squeeze : {x : Nat}  x  zero  x  zero
≤-squeeze (con (`nil  , refl , _)) = refl
≤-squeeze (con (`cons , _ , _ , () , _))

≤-step⁻¹ : {x y : Nat}  suc x  suc y  x  y
≤-step⁻¹ (con (`nil  , () , _))
≤-step⁻¹ (con (`cons , _ , _ , refl , le , _)) = le

≤-refl : {x : Nat}  x  x
≤-refl {con (`nil  ,     _)} = ≤-base
≤-refl {con (`cons , x , _)} = ≤-step (≤-refl {x})

≤-trans : {x y z : Nat}  x  y  y  z  x  z
≤-trans (con (`nil , refl , _)) y≤z = ≤-base
≤-trans (con (`cons , _ , _ , refl , x≤y , _)) (con (`nil , () , _))
≤-trans (con (`cons , _ , _ , refl , x≤y , _)) (con (`cons , ._ , _ , refl , y≤z , _)) = ≤-step (≤-trans x≤y y≤z)

≰-invert : {x y : Nat}  x  y  y  x
≰-invert {x}                   {con (`nil  ,     _)} nle = ≤-base
≰-invert {con (`nil  ,     _)} {con (`cons , y , _)} nle = ⊥-elim (nle ≤-base)
≰-invert {con (`cons , x , _)} {con (`cons , y , _)} nle = ≤-step (≰-invert (nle  ≤-step))


  _≤?_ : (x y : Nat)  Dec (x  y)
  con (`nil  ,     _) ≤? y                   = yes ≤-base
  con (`cons , x , _) ≤? con (`nil  ,     _) = no (suc≢zero  ≤-squeeze)
  con (`cons , x , _) ≤? con (`cons , y , _) = ≤?-with x y (x ≤? y)

  -- avoiding with-matching to circumvent a possible error of Agda

  ≤?-with : (x y : Nat)  Dec (x  y)  Dec (suc x  suc y)
  ≤?-with x y (yes x≤y) = yes (≤-step x≤y)
  ≤?-with x y (no  x≰y) = no (x≰y  ≤-step⁻¹)