-- Auxiliary operations for dependent pairs.

module Prelude.Product where

open import Prelude.Function
import Prelude.Category.Isomorphism as Isomorphism; open Isomorphism Fun
open import Prelude.Equality

open import Function using (_∘_; _∋_)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; Σ-syntax; _,_; _×_; curry) renaming (map to _**_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; subst; sym; cong₂)
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality using (_≅_) renaming (refl to hrefl)

cong₂-pair : {A : Set} {B : A  Set}  {a a' : A} {b : B a} {b' : B a'}  a  a'  b  b'  (Σ A B  a , b)  (a' , b')
cong₂-pair refl hrefl = refl

hcong₂-pair : {A A' B B' : Set} {a : A} {a' : A'} {b : B} {b' : B'}  a  a'  b  b'  (A × B  a , b)  (A' × B'  a' , b')
hcong₂-pair hrefl hrefl = hrefl

cong-proj₂ :  {a b} {A : Set a} {B : A  Set b} {x : A} {y y' : B x}  (Σ A B  x , y)  (x , y')  y  y'
cong-proj₂ refl = refl

cong-split :  {a b} {A A' : Set a} {B : Set b} {B' : Set b} 
             A  A'  B  B'   {x y x' y'}  (A × B  x , y)  (A' × B'  x' , y')  x  x' × y  y'
cong-split refl refl hrefl = hrefl , hrefl

Σ' : {A : Set} (B : A  Set) (C : Σ A B  Set)  A  Set
Σ' B C x = Σ (B x) (curry C x)

_×'_ : {A : Set} (B : A  Set) (C : A  Set)  A  Set
(B ×' C) x = B x × C x

Σ-assoc : {A : Set} (B : A  Set) (C : Σ A B  Set)  Iso (Σ (Σ A B) C) (Σ A (Σ' B C))
Σ-assoc B C =
  record { to   = λ { ((a , b) , c)  a , b , c }
         ; from = λ { (a , b , c)  (a , b) , c }
         ; to-from-inverse = λ { (a , b , c)  refl }
         ; from-to-inverse = λ { ((a , b) , c)  refl } }

prodIso :  {A B C D}  Iso A B  Iso C D  Iso (A × C) (B × D)
prodIso ab cd =
  record { to   = to ab ** to cd
         ; from = from ab ** from cd
         ; to-from-inverse = λ _  cong₂ _,_ (to-from-inverse ab _) (to-from-inverse cd _)
         ; from-to-inverse = λ _  cong₂ _,_ (from-to-inverse ab _) (from-to-inverse cd _) }
  where open Iso

commIso :  {A B}  Iso (A × B) (B × A)
commIso = record { to   = λ { (a , b)  b , a }
                 ; from = λ { (b , a)  a , b }
                 ; to-from-inverse = frefl
                 ; from-to-inverse = frefl }

fstIso : {A B : Set} (i : Iso A B)  {C : A  Set}  Iso (Σ A C) (Σ B (C  Iso.from i))
fstIso i {C} =
  record { to   = λ {(a , c)  to i a , subst C (sym (from-to-inverse i _)) c}
         ; from = λ {(b , c)  from i b , c}
         ; to-from-inverse = λ { (b , c)  cong₂-pair (to-from-inverse i _)
                                                      (elim-≡  eq  subst C eq c  c) hrefl (sym (from-to-inverse i _))) }
         ; from-to-inverse = λ { (a , c)  cong₂-pair (from-to-inverse i _)
                                                      (elim-≡  eq  subst C eq c  c) hrefl (sym (from-to-inverse i _))) } }
  where open Iso