{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
open import Prelude

module Utils.Reflection.Print where

open import Utils.Reflection.Core
open import Utils.Reflection.Term
open import Utils.Reflection.Eq
open import Utils.Reflection.Tactic
open import Utils.Reflection.Show

infoName = "print"
verbosity = 5

    A : Set _

  pattern space     = strErr " "
  pattern colon     = strErr " : "

paren : Visibility  ErrorParts  ErrorParts
paren v s = case v of λ where
  visible    [ strErr "(" ] <> s <> [ strErr ")" ]
  hidden     [ strErr "{" ] <> s <> [ strErr "}" ]
  instance′  [ strErr "⦃ "] <> s <> [ strErr " ⦄"]
sep : ErrorParts  ErrorParts
sep []       = []
sep (e  []) = e  []
sep (e  es) = e  space  sep es

record ToErr (A : Set) : Set₀ where
    toErr : A  ErrorParts
open ToErr ⦃...⦄ public

  ArgErr :  _ : ToErr A   ToErr (Arg A)
  ArgErr .toErr a = paren (getVisibility a) (toErr (unArg a)) 

  ListErr :  _ : ToErr A   ToErr (List A)
  ListErr .toErr = sep  concatMap toErr

  TermErr : ToErr Term
  TermErr .toErr = [_]  termErr
  PattErr : ToErr Pattern
  PattErr .toErr = [_]  pattErr

  NameErr : ToErr Name
  NameErr .toErr = [_]  nameErr

  StrErr  : ToErr String
  StrErr .toErr = [_]  strErr

  pattErr : Pattern → ErrorParts
  pattErr (con c ps) = nameErr c ∷ pattsErr ps
  pattErr (dot t)    = strErr "." ∷ termErr t ∷ []
  pattErr (var x)    = termErr (var₀ x) ∷ []
  pattErr (lit l)    = termErr (lit l) ∷ []
  pattErr (proj f)   = strErr "." ∷ nameErr f ∷ []
  pattErr (absurd x) = strErr "()" ∷ []

  pattsErr : Args Pattern → ErrorParts
  pattsErr []                            = []
  pattsErr ((arg (arg-info v _) a) ∷ []) = pattErr a
  pattsErr ((arg (arg-info v _) a) ∷ as) = pattErr a
    <> (space ∷ pattsErr as)

  PattErr : ToErr Pattern
  PattErr .toErr = pattErr
vcat : List String  String
vcat []           = ""
vcat (msg  [])   = msg 
vcat (msg  msgs) = msg <> "\n" <> vcat msgs 

nest : List String  List String
nest = map ("  " <>_) 

mergeSpace : ErrorParts  ErrorParts
mergeSpace []                     = []
mergeSpace (space  space  msg)  = mergeSpace (space  msg)
mergeSpace (err    errs)         = err  mergeSpace errs

printArg : (showImplicit : Bool)  String  Arg A  (A  TC ErrorParts)  TC ErrorParts
printArg b s x f = case getVisibility x of λ where
  visible  do
    err  f (unArg x)
    return $ if elem space err
      then paren visible err
      else err
  v  if b
    then (f (unArg x) >>= λ err 
          (return $ paren v (strErr (s <> " = ")  err))) --f (unArg x)
    else return []
printTelescope : Telescope  TC ErrorParts  TC ErrorParts
printTelescope []             m = m
printTelescope ((s , x)  []) m = do
  ss  extendContext s x m
  s   extendContext s x (formatErrorParts $ toErr (var₀ 0))
  ts  formatErrorParts $ toErr $ unArg x
  return $ paren (getVisibility x) (toErr s <> colon  toErr ts) <> ss
printTelescope ((s , x)  tel) m = do
  ss  extendContext s x $ printTelescope tel m
  s   extendContext s x (formatErrorParts $ toErr (var₀ 0))
  ts  formatErrorParts $ toErr $ unArg x
  return $ paren (getVisibility x) (toErr s <> space  toErr ":" <> space  toErr ts) <> space  ss

printDataSignature : (tel : Telescope)  Type  TC ErrorParts
printDataSignature tel a = printTelescope tel do
    a  formatErrorParts $ toErr a
    return $ space  toErr ":" <> space  toErr a

printCon : (pars : )  (c : Name)  TC String
printCon pars c = do
  x  getType c
  let a = snd $ splitType pars x
  formatErrorParts $ nameErr c  space  strErr ":"  space  termErr a  []

printCons : (pars : )  (cs : Names)  TC (List String)
printCons pars = mapM (printCon pars)

printData : Name  TC 
printData d = do
  pars , cs  getDataDefinition d
  x  getType d
  let tel , a = splitType pars x

  sig   printDataSignature tel a
  decl  formatErrorParts $ mergeSpace $
    strErr "data"  space  nameErr d  space  [] <> sig <> space  strErr "where"  []

  cons  vcat  nest <$> extend*Context tel (printCons pars cs)
  debugPrint infoName verbosity $ [ strErr (vcat $ decl  cons  []) ]

printConAs : (String × Type)  TC String
printConAs (s , T) = do
  formatErrorParts $ strErr s  space  strErr ":"  space  termErr T  []

printConsAs : List (String × Type)  TC (List String)
printConsAs = mapM printConAs

-- Currently unusable due to datatype not being in scope when printing constructor types with datatype recursion.
printDataAs : (String × Type × )  List (String × Type)  TC String
printDataAs (s , T , pars) cs = do
  let tel , a = splitType pars T

  sig   printDataSignature tel a
  decl  formatErrorParts $ mergeSpace $
    strErr "data"  space  strErr s  space  [] <> sig <> space  strErr "where"  []

  cons  vcat  nest <$> extend*Context tel (printConsAs cs)
  return (vcat $ decl  cons  [])

hideDot : Args Pattern  Args Pattern
hideDot = map λ where
  (arg i (dot t))  arg i (dot unknown)
  t  t

removeImplicitDot : Args Pattern  Args Pattern
removeImplicitDot = filter λ where
  (arg (arg-info hidden _) (dot _))  false
  t  true

printPattern : Pattern  TC ErrorParts
printPattern (con c as@(_  _)) = return $
  paren visible (toErr $ con c (hideDot $ removeImplicitDot as))
printPattern p                 = return $ toErr p

PVarIsT : Cxt  Term  Pattern  Bool
PVarIsT Γ (var x args) (var y) = x == y + Cxt.len Γ
PVarIsT _ _ _ = false

termHasPat : Term  Pattern  Bool
termHasPat t p = anyVisibleTerm  Γ t  PVarIsT Γ t p) (0 , []) t

isUsed : Pattern  Term  Bool
isUsed p t = anyPat (termHasPat t) p

printNecessaryPattern : Term  String  Arg Pattern  TC ErrorParts
printNecessaryPattern t s p = if isUsed (unArg p) t then
                                printArg true s p printPattern
                                printArg false s p printPattern

printPatterns : Bool  Term  Telescope  Args Pattern  TC ErrorParts
printPatterns b t _ []       =  [] 
printPatterns b t (n  _) (p  []) = if b then printArg true (fst n) p printPattern
                                     else printNecessaryPattern t (fst n) p
printPatterns b t (n  ns) (p  ps) = do
  p   if b then printArg true (fst n) p printPattern
       else printNecessaryPattern t (fst n) p
  ps  printPatterns b t ns ps
  return $ p <> space  ps
printPatterns _ _ _ _ = typeError [ strErr "Length of Type and Patterns doesn't match." ]

printClause : Bool  (f : Name)  Telescope  Clause  TC String
printClause b f ns (tel  ps `= t) = do
  tel  renameUnderscore tel
  extend*Context tel do
    ps   mergeSpace  dropWhile (space ==_) <$> printPatterns b t ns ps
    formatErrorParts $ (nameErr f  space  ps) <> space  strErr "="  space  termErr t  []
printClause b f ns (absurd-clause tel ps) = extend*Context tel do
  formatErrorParts =<<  ps  nameErr f  space  ps)  mergeSpace <$> printPatterns b unknown ns ps

printClauses : Bool  Name  Telescope  Clauses  TC (List String)
printClauses b f tel = mapM (printClause b f tel)

printSig : Name  TC ErrorParts
printSig f = do
  a  getType f
  return $ nameErr f  space  strErr ":"  space  termErr a  []

printFunction : Bool  Name  TC 
printFunction b f = do
  `A , cs  getFunction f
  a  ⇑_ <$> getType f
  css  printClauses b f (fst a) cs
  debugPrint infoName verbosity =<< printSig f
  debugPrint infoName verbosity $ [ strErr (vcat css) ]
  return tt

  print : Name  Tactic
  print d hole = do
    `dT  getType d
    caseM getDefinition d of λ where
      (function _)         printFunction false d
      (data-type pars cs)  printData d
      (record-type c fs)   typeError $
        strErr "Printing the definition of a record type is currently not supported."  []
      _                    printSig d >>= debugPrint infoName verbosity
    return tt