{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import Prelude
  hiding (intersperse)

module Utils.Reflection.Show where

open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection
  using (primShowQName; primShowMeta)

open import Utils.String
open import Utils.Reflection.Core

  ShowName : Show Name
  show {{ShowName}} x = primShowQName x

  ShowMeta : Show Meta
  show {{ShowMeta}} = primShowMeta

  ShowRelevance : Show Relevance
  show  ShowRelevance  relevant   = "relevant"
  show  ShowRelevance  irrelevant = "irrelevant"

  showVisibility : Show Visibility
  show  showVisibility  visible   = "visible"
  show  showVisibility  hidden    = "hidden"
  show  showVisibility  instance′ = "instance"

  showLiteral : Show Literal
  show  showLiteral  (nat n)    = show n
  show  showLiteral  (word64 n) = show n
  show  showLiteral  (float x)  = show x
  show  showLiteral  (char c)   = show c
  show  showLiteral  (string s) = show s
  show  showLiteral  (name x)   = show x
  show  showLiteral  (meta x)   = show x

  -- add appropriate parens depending on the given visibility
  visibilityParen : Visibility  String  String
  visibilityParen visible   s = parensIfSpace s
  visibilityParen hidden    s = braces s
  visibilityParen instance′ s = braces (braces s)


  showTerms : Args Term  String
  showTerms []             = ""
  showTerms (a@(arg i t)  ts) = visibilityParen (getVisibility a) (showTerm t) <+> showTerms ts

  showTerm : Term  String
  showTerm (var x args)         = "var" <+> show x <+> showTerms args
  showTerm (con c args)         = show c <+> showTerms args
  showTerm (def f args)         = show f <+> showTerms args
  showTerm (lam v (abs s x))    = "λ" <+> visibilityParen v s <+> "→" <+> showTerm x
  showTerm (pat-lam cs args)    =
    "λ {" <+> showClauses cs <+> "}" <+> showTerms args
  showTerm (pi a′@(arg i a) (abs s b)) =
    "Π (" <> visibilityParen (getVisibility a′) s <+> ":" <+>
    parensIfSpace (showTerm a) <> ")" <+> parensIfSpace (showTerm b)
  showTerm (agda-sort s)        = showSort s
  showTerm (lit l)              = show l
  showTerm (meta x args)        = show x <+> showTerms args
  showTerm unknown              = "unknown"

  showSort : Sort  String
  showSort (set t) = "Set" <+> parensIfSpace (showTerm t)
  showSort (lit n) = "Set" <> show n -- no space to disambiguate from set t
  showSort (prop t) = "Prop" <+> parensIfSpace (showTerm t)
  showSort (propLit n) = "Prop" <> show n -- no space to disambiguate from prop t
  showSort (inf n) = "Setω" <> show n
  showSort unknown = "unknown"

  showPatterns : List (Arg Pattern)  String
  showPatterns []       = ""
  showPatterns (a  ps) = showArg a <+> showPatterns ps
    -- Quantities are ignored.
    showArg : Arg Pattern  String
    showArg (arg (arg-info h (modality r _)) p) =
      braces? (show r <> showPattern p)
      braces? = case h of λ where
        visible    id
        hidden     braces
        instance′  braces  braces

  showPattern : Pattern  String
  showPattern (con c []) = show c
  showPattern (con c ps) = parens (show c <+> showPatterns ps)
  showPattern (dot t)    = "." <> parens (showTerm t)
  showPattern (var x)    = "pat-var" <+> show x
  showPattern (lit l)    = show l
  showPattern (proj f)   = show f
  showPattern (absurd _) = "()"

  showClause : Clause  String
  showClause (clause tel ps t)      = "[" <+> showTel tel <+> "]" <+> showPatterns ps <+> "→" <+> showTerm t
  showClause (absurd-clause tel ps) = "[" <+> showTel tel <+> "]" <+> showPatterns ps

  showClauses : Clauses  String
  showClauses []       = ""
  showClauses (c  cs) = showClause c <+> ";" <+> showClauses cs

  showTel : Telescope  String
  showTel [] = ""
  showTel ((x , a@(arg i t))  tel) =
    visibilityParen (getVisibility a) (x <+> ":" <+> showTerm t) <> showTel tel

  ShowTerm : Show Term
  show  ShowTerm  = showTerm

  ShowTerms : Show (Args Term)
  show  ShowTerms  = showTerms
  ShowSort : Show Sort
  show  ShowSort  = showSort

  ShowPattern : Show Pattern
  show  ShowPattern  = showPattern

  ShowClause : Show Clause
  show  ShowClause  = showClause

  ShowTelescope : Show Telescope
  show  ShowTelescope  = showTel
showDefinition : Definition  String
showDefinition (function cs)       = "function" <+> braces (showClauses cs)
showDefinition (data-type pars cs) =
 "datatype" <+> show pars <+> braces (intersperse ", " (fmap show cs))
showDefinition (record-type c fs)  = "record" <+> show c <+> braces (intersperse ", " (fmap (show  unArg) fs))
showDefinition (data-cons d)       = "constructor" <+> show d
showDefinition axiom               = "axiom"
showDefinition prim-fun            = "primitive"

  ShowDefinition : Show Definition
  show  ShowDefinition  = showDefinition