-- A simplified version of the monad reification trick presented in Section 2.

module BiGUL.CompSeq where

open import BiGUL.Utilities
open import BiGUL.Partiality hiding (_↦_)

open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Bool
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

infix 0 _↦_ _/↦


  _↦_ : {A : Set}  Par A  A  Set
  return x              x' = x  x'
  mx >>= f              y  =  λ x  (mx  x) × (f x  y)
  fail                  x  = 
  catch mx f my         y  = ( λ x  (mx  x) × (f x  y))  ((mx /↦) × (my  y))
  assert     b then mx  x  = (b  true ) × (mx  x)   
  assert-not b then mx  x  = (b  false) × (mx  x)   

  _/↦ : {A : Set}  Par A  Set
  return x             /↦ = 
  mx >>= f             /↦ = (mx /↦)  ( λ x  (mx  x) × (f x /↦))
  fail                 /↦ = 
  catch mx f my        /↦ = ( λ x  (mx  x) × (f x /↦))  ((mx /↦) × (my /↦))
  assert     b then mx /↦ = (b  false)  ((b  true ) × (mx /↦))
  assert-not b then mx /↦ = (b  true )  ((b  false) × (mx /↦))

record Lens (S V : Set) : Set₁ where
    put  : S  V  Par S
    get  : S  Par V
    PutGet  : {s s' : S} {v : V}  (put s v  s')  (get s'  v)
    GetPut  : {s : S} {v : V}  (get s  v)  (put s v  s)

_⇆_ : Set  Set  Set₁
S  V = Lens S V

_↔_ : {A B C : Set}  A  B  B  C  A  C
l  r = record
  {  put  = λ a c  Lens.get l a >>= λ b  Lens.put r b c >>= Lens.put l a
  ;  get  = λ a  Lens.get l a >>= Lens.get r
  ;  PutGet  = λ { (b , get-l-a↦b , b' , put-r-b↦b' , put-l-a-b'↦a') 
                   b' , Lens.PutGet l put-l-a-b'↦a' , Lens.PutGet r put-r-b↦b' }
  ;  GetPut  = λ { (b , get-l-a↦b , get-r-b↦c) 
                   b , get-l-a↦b , b , Lens.GetPut r get-r-b↦c , Lens.GetPut l get-l-a↦b } }