-- Definition of an optimised predicate for an ornament as the parallel composition of the ornament and the singleton ornament.
-- This construction gives a functor from `Orn` to `FRef` which produces more representation-efficient promotion predicates.

module Ornament.RefinementSemantics where

open import Prelude.Equality
open import Prelude.Category
open import Prelude.Category.Isomorphism
open import Prelude.Category.Slice
open import Prelude.Category.Span
open import Prelude.Category.Pullback
open import Prelude.Function
open import Prelude.Function.Fam hiding (compIso)
open import Prelude.Function.Isomorphism
open import Prelude.Product
open import Prelude.InverseImage
open import Refinement
open import Refinement.Category
open import Description
open import Ornament
open import Ornament.Category
open import Ornament.SequentialComposition
open import Ornament.ParallelComposition
open import Ornament.ParallelComposition.Pullback

open import Function using (id; _∘_)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; Σ-syntax; proj₁; proj₂; _,_; _×_; <_,_>) renaming (map to _**_)
open import Relation.Binary using (module Setoid)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; subst; cong; trans; sym; module ≡-Reasoning) renaming (setoid to ≡-Setoid)
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality using (_≅_; ≡-to-≅; ≡-subst-removable) renaming (refl to hrefl; cong to hcong; trans to htrans)

open Functor

module OptimisedPredicate {I J} {e : J  I} {D E} (O : Orn e D E) where

  OptPD : Desc (e  proj₁)
  OptPD =  O   singOrn D  

  OptPO : Orn π₁ E OptPD
  OptPO = diffOrn-l O  singOrn D 

  OptP :  {i}  e ⁻¹ i  μ D i  Set
  OptP j x = μ OptPD (j , (ok (_ , x)))

  l : Slice Fun (Σ I (μ D))
  l = object (SliceMap (FamF  Ind)) (slice _ (_ , O))

  r : Slice Fun (Σ I (μ D))
  r = object (SliceMap (FamF  Ind)) (slice _ (_ ,  singOrn D ))

  μE-square : Square Fun l r
  μE-square = span l (sliceMorphism id frefl)
                     (sliceMorphism < e ** forget O , singleton  forget O  proj₂ >
                                     { (j , y)  cong₂-pair refl (≡-to-≅ (forget-singOrn (singleton (forget O y)))) }))

  μE-med : (p : Square Fun l r)  SpanMorphism (SliceCategory Fun (Σ I (μ D))) l r p μE-square
  μE-med p = spanMorphism (Span.l p) frefl
                t  let eq  = trans (SliceMorphism.triangle (Span.l p) t) (sym (SliceMorphism.triangle (Span.r p) t))
                          eq' = cong₂-pair (cong proj₁ eq)
                                  (htrans (hcong proj₂ (≡-to-≅ eq))
                                          (≡-to-≅ (forget-singOrn (proj₂ (SliceMorphism.m (Span.r p) t)))))
                      in cong₂-pair eq'
                                   (htrans (≡-to-≅ (equal (≡-Setoid _) (singleton _ , singleton-unique _) _ _))
                                           (≡-subst-removable (μ  singOrn D ) (sym eq') (proj₂ (SliceMorphism.m (Span.r p) t)))))

  μE-med-unique : (p : Span (SliceCategory Fun (Σ I (μ D))) l r) 
                  Unique (Category.Morphism (SpanCategory (SliceCategory Fun (Σ I (μ D))) l r) p μE-square) (μE-med p)
  μE-med-unique p med' = fsym (SpanMorphism.triangle-l med')

  μE-pullback : Pullback Fun l r μE-square
  μE-pullback  p = μE-med p , μE-med-unique p

  OptP-square : Square Fun l r
  OptP-square = object (SpanMap (SliceMap FamF)) (⊗-Fam-square O  singOrn D )

  OptP-pullback : Pullback Fun l r OptP-square
  OptP-pullback = FamF-preserves-pullback (object (SliceMap Ind) (slice _ (_ , O)))
                                          (object (SliceMap Ind) (slice _ (_ ,  singOrn D )))
                                          (⊗-is-Fam-pullback O  singOrn D )

  wholeIso : Iso Fun (Σ (e  proj₁) (μ OptPD)) (Σ J (μ E))
  wholeIso = pullback-iso Fun l r OptP-square μE-square OptP-pullback μE-pullback

  indexIso :  j  Iso Fun (μ D (e j)) (Σ[ jix  e  proj₁ {A = I} {μ D} ] π₁ jix  j)
  indexIso j =
    record { to   = λ x  (ok j , ok (e j , x)) , refl
           ; from = λ { ((ok .j , ix) , refl)  subst (μ D) (to≡ ix) (proj₂ (und ix)) }
           ; to-from-inverse =
               λ { ((ok .j , ix) , refl) 
                   cong  ix'  (ok j , ix') , refl)
                     (elim-⁻¹  {i} ix'  ok (i , subst (μ D) (to≡ ix') (proj₂ (und ix')))  ix')  ix'  refl) ix) }
           ; from-to-inverse = frefl }

  componentIso :  {i} (j : e ⁻¹ i)  Iso Fun (μ E (und j)) (Σ (μ D i) (OptP j))
  componentIso (ok j) =
    Setoid.sym (IsoSetoid Fun)
      (compIso wholeIso π₁ (forget (diffOrn-l O  singOrn D )) frefl
               (μ D  e)  {j'}  indexIso j') (forget O)
                {j'} y 
                  decouple (cong proj₁ (SpanMorphism.triangle-l (proj₁ (OptP-pullback μE-square)) (j' , y))) refl)

open OptimisedPredicate public using (OptPD; OptPO; OptP)

OptPRD :  {I J} {e : J  I} {D E}  ROrn e D E   {X}   D  X  RDesc (e  proj₁)
OptPRD {D = D} O xs = toRDesc (pcROrn O (toROrn (erode D xs)))

RSem' :  {I J} {e : J  I} {D E} (O : Orn e D E)  FRefinement e (μ D) (μ E)
RSem' O = wrap λ j  record { P = OptP O j
                            ; i = OptimisedPredicate.componentIso O j }

RSem : Functor Ōrn FRef
RSem = record { object   = λ { (I , D)  I , μ D }
              ; morphism = λ { {J , E} {I , D} (e , O)  e , RSem' O }
              ; ≈-respecting    = λ {X} {Y} {f} {g}  ≈-respecting Ind {X} {Y} {f} {g}
              ; id-preserving   = id-preserving Ind
              ; comp-preserving = comp-preserving Ind }