-- Let `D : Desc I` be a description.
-- The category `RAlg D` is the wide subcategory of the category of relational `D`-algebras where the morphisms are restricted to be functions and are proof-relevant.
-- This module also defines the banana-split algebras and proves that they are products in `RAlg D`.

open import Description

module Relation.AlgCategory {I : Set} (D : Desc I) where

open import Prelude.Equality
open import Prelude.Product
open import Prelude.Category
open import Prelude.Category.Span
open import Prelude.Function
open import Prelude.Function.Fam
open import Relation
open import Relation.CompChain

open import Function using (id; _∘_)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; Σ-syntax; _,_; proj₁; proj₂; _×_; <_,_>)
open import Relation.Binary using (Setoid)
import Relation.Binary.PreorderReasoning as PreorderReasoning
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; subst; trans; sym; cong; cong₂)
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality using (_≅_; ≡-subst-removable; module ≅-Reasoning)
                                                  renaming (refl to hrefl; trans to htrans; sym to hsym)

record RAlgebra : Set₁ where
  constructor _,_
    Carrier : I  Set
    R       :  D Carrier  Carrier

Hom : RAlgebra  RAlgebra  Set
Hom R S = RAlgebra.Carrier R  RAlgebra.Carrier S

HomComm : (R S : RAlgebra)  Hom R S  Set
HomComm R S h = (i : I) (xs :  D (RAlgebra.Carrier R) i) (x : RAlgebra.Carrier R i) 
                (RAlgebra.R R !!) i xs x  (RAlgebra.R S !!) i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x)

record RAlgMorphism (R S : RAlgebra) : Set₁ where
  constructor _,_
    h : Hom R S
    c : HomComm R S h

RAlgMorphism-id-comm : {R : RAlgebra}  HomComm R R id
RAlgMorphism-id-comm {X , R} i xs x r = subst  xs'  (R !!) i xs' x) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-id D i xs)) r

RAlgMorphism-id : {R : RAlgebra}  RAlgMorphism R R
RAlgMorphism-id {X , R} = id , RAlgMorphism-id-comm

RAlgMorphism-comp-comm : {R S T : RAlgebra} (m : RAlgMorphism S T) (n : RAlgMorphism R S)  HomComm R T (RAlgMorphism.h m  RAlgMorphism.h n)
RAlgMorphism-comp-comm {X , R} {Y , S} {Z , T} (g , cg) (h , ch) i xs x r =
  subst  zs  (T !!) i zs (g (h x))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D g h i xs)) (cg i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r))

RAlgMorphism-comp : {R S T : RAlgebra}  RAlgMorphism S T  RAlgMorphism R S  RAlgMorphism R T
RAlgMorphism-comp {R} {S} {T} m n = (RAlgMorphism.h m  RAlgMorphism.h n) , RAlgMorphism-comp-comm m n

HomCommEq : {R S : RAlgebra}  RAlgMorphism R S  RAlgMorphism R S  Set
HomCommEq {X , R} {Y , S} (g , cg) (h , ch) = (i : I) (xs :  D X i) (x : X i) (r : (R !!) i xs x)  cg i xs x r  ch i xs x r

RAlgMorphismEq : {R S : RAlgebra}  RAlgMorphism R S  RAlgMorphism R S  Set
RAlgMorphismEq m n = ({i : I}  RAlgMorphism.h m {i}  RAlgMorphism.h n {i}) × HomCommEq m n

RAlgMorphismSetoid : RAlgebra  RAlgebra  Setoid _ _
RAlgMorphismSetoid R S = record
  { Carrier = RAlgMorphism R S
  ; _≈_ = RAlgMorphismEq
  ; isEquivalence = record
      { refl  = λ {m}  frefl , λ i xs x r  hrefl
      ; sym   = λ { (heq , ceq)  fsym heq , λ i xs x r  hsym (ceq i xs x r) }
      ; trans = λ { {m} {n} {l} (heq , ceq) (heq' , ceq')  ftrans heq heq' , λ i xs x r  htrans (ceq i xs x r) (ceq' i xs x r) } } }

id-l-comm : {R S : RAlgebra} (m : RAlgMorphism R S)  HomCommEq (RAlgMorphism-comp RAlgMorphism-id m) m
id-l-comm {X , R} {Y , S} (h , c) i xs x r =
  htrans (≡-subst-removable  zs  (S !!) i zs (h x)) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D id h i xs))
            (subst  xs'  (S !!) i xs' (h x)) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-id D i (Ḟ-map D h xs))) (c i xs x r)))
         (≡-subst-removable  xs'  (S !!) i xs' (h x)) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-id D i (Ḟ-map D h xs))) (c i xs x r))

id-r-comm : {R S : RAlgebra} (m : RAlgMorphism R S)  HomCommEq (RAlgMorphism-comp m RAlgMorphism-id) m
id-r-comm {X , R} {Y , S} (h , c) i xs x r =
  htrans (≡-subst-removable  zs  (S !!) i zs (h x)) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D h id i xs))
            (c i (Ḟ-map D id xs) x (subst  xs'  (R !!) i xs' x) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-id D i xs)) r)))
         (elim-≡  {xs'} eq  c i xs' x (subst  xs''  (R !!) i xs'' x) eq r)  c i xs x r) hrefl (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-id D i xs)))

assoc-comm : {R S T U : RAlgebra} (m : RAlgMorphism T U) (n : RAlgMorphism S T) (l : RAlgMorphism R S) 
             HomCommEq (RAlgMorphism-comp (RAlgMorphism-comp m n) l) (RAlgMorphism-comp m (RAlgMorphism-comp n l))
assoc-comm {X , R} {Y , S} {Z , T} {W , U} (f , cf) (g , cg) (h , ch) i xs x r =
      subst  zs  (U !!) i zs (f (g (h x)))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D (f  g) h i xs))
        (subst  zs  (U !!) i zs (f (g (h x)))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D f g i (Ḟ-map D h xs)))
           (cf i (Ḟ-map D g (Ḟ-map D h xs)) (g (h x)) (cg i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r))))
    ≅⟨ ≡-subst-removable  zs  (U !!) i zs (f (g (h x)))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D (f  g) h i xs))
                         (subst  zs  (U !!) i zs (f (g (h x)))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D f g i (Ḟ-map D h xs)))
                            (cf i (Ḟ-map D g (Ḟ-map D h xs)) (g (h x)) (cg i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r)))) 
      subst  zs  (U !!) i zs (f (g (h x)))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D f g i (Ḟ-map D h xs)))
        (cf i (Ḟ-map D g (Ḟ-map D h xs)) (g (h x)) (cg i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r)))
    ≅⟨ ≡-subst-removable  zs  (U !!) i zs (f (g (h x)))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D f g i (Ḟ-map D h xs)))
                         (cf i (Ḟ-map D g (Ḟ-map D h xs)) (g (h x)) (cg i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r))) 
      cf i (Ḟ-map D g (Ḟ-map D h xs)) (g (h x)) (cg i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r))
    ≅⟨ elim-≡  {zs'} eq  cf i (Ḟ-map D g (Ḟ-map D h xs)) (g (h x)) (cg i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r))
                           cf i zs' (g (h x)) (subst  zs  (T !!) i zs (g (h x))) eq (cg i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r))))
              hrefl (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D g h i xs)) 
      cf i (Ḟ-map D (g  h) xs) (g (h x))
         (subst  zs  (T !!) i zs (g (h x))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D g h i xs)) (cg i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r)))
    ≅⟨ hsym (≡-subst-removable  zs  (U !!) i zs (f (g (h x)))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D f (g  h) i xs))
                               (cf i (Ḟ-map D (g  h) xs) (g (h x))
                                   (subst  zs  (T !!) i zs (g (h x))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D g h i xs))
                                      (cg i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r))))) 
      subst  zs  (U !!) i zs (f (g (h x)))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D f (g  h) i xs))
        (cf i (Ḟ-map D (g  h) xs) (g (h x))
            (subst  zs  (T !!) i zs (g (h x))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D g h i xs)) (cg i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r))))
  where open ≅-Reasoning

cong-l-comm : {R S T : RAlgebra} (m : RAlgMorphism S T) (n l : RAlgMorphism R S) 
              RAlgMorphismEq n l  HomCommEq (RAlgMorphism-comp m n) (RAlgMorphism-comp m l)
cong-l-comm {X , R} {Y , S} {Z , T} (f , cf) (g , cg) (h , ch) (gheq , cgheq) i xs x r =
  htrans (≡-subst-removable  zs  (T !!) i zs (f (g x))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D f g i xs)) (cf i (Ḟ-map D g xs) (g x) (cg i xs x r)))
         (htrans (aux (Ḟ-map-preserves-eq D g h gheq i xs) (gheq x) (cgheq i xs x r))
                 (hsym (≡-subst-removable  zs  (T !!) i zs (f (h x))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D f h i xs))
                                          (cf i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r)))))
    aux : {ys :  D Y i} (yseq : ys  Ḟ-map D h xs) {y : Y i} (yeq : y  h x) {s : (S !!) i ys y} (seq : s  ch i xs x r) 
          cf i ys y s  cf i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r)
    aux refl refl hrefl = hrefl

cong-r-comm : {R S T : RAlgebra} (m n : RAlgMorphism S T) (l : RAlgMorphism R S) 
              RAlgMorphismEq m n  HomCommEq (RAlgMorphism-comp m l) (RAlgMorphism-comp n l)
cong-r-comm {X , R} {Y , S} {Z , T} (f , cf) (g , cg) (h , ch) (fgeq , cfgeq) i xs x r =
  htrans (≡-subst-removable  zs  (T !!) i zs (f (h x))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D f h i xs)) (cf i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r)))
         (htrans (cfgeq i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r))
                 (hsym (≡-subst-removable  zs  (T !!) i zs (g (h x))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D g h i xs))
                                          (cg i (Ḟ-map D h xs) (h x) (ch i xs x r)))))

RAlg : Category
RAlg = record
  { Object   = RAlgebra
  ; Morphism = RAlgMorphismSetoid
  ; _·_ = RAlgMorphism-comp
  ; id  = RAlgMorphism-id
  ; id-l   = λ { m  frefl , id-l-comm m }
  ; id-r   = λ { m  frefl , id-r-comm m }
  ; assoc  = λ { m n l  frefl , assoc-comm m n l }
  ; cong-l = λ { {R} {S} {T} {n} {l} m nleq  fcong-l (RAlgMorphism.h m) (proj₁ nleq) , cong-l-comm m n l nleq }
  ; cong-r = λ { {R} {S} {T} {m} {n} l mneq  fcong-r (RAlgMorphism.h l) (proj₁ mneq) , cong-r-comm m n l mneq } }

-- banana-split algebras

bs-alg : RAlgebra  RAlgebra  RAlgebra
bs-alg (X , R) (Y , S) = (X ×' Y) , wrap λ { i xys (x , y)  (R !!) i (Ḟ-map D proj₁ xys) x × (S !!) i (Ḟ-map D proj₂ xys) y }

bs-alg-proj-l : (R S : RAlgebra)  RAlgMorphism (bs-alg R S) R
bs-alg-proj-l (X , R) (Y , S) = proj₁ , λ i xys xy  proj₁

bs-alg-proj-r : (R S : RAlgebra)  RAlgMorphism (bs-alg R S) S
bs-alg-proj-r (X , R) (Y , S) = proj₂ , λ i xys xy  proj₂

bs-alg-span : (R S : RAlgebra)  Span RAlg R S
bs-alg-span R S = span (bs-alg R S) (bs-alg-proj-l R S) (bs-alg-proj-r R S)

bs-alg-product : (R S : RAlgebra)  Product RAlg R S (bs-alg-span R S)
bs-alg-product (X , R) (Y , S) (span (Z , T) (l , cl) (r , cr)) =
  spanMorphism (< l , r > , λ i zs z t  subst  xs  (R !!) i xs (l z)) (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D proj₁ < l , r > i zs) (cl i zs z t) ,
                                         subst  ys  (S !!) i ys (r z)) (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D proj₂ < l , r > i zs) (cr i zs z t))
               (frefl , λ i zs z t  htrans (≡-subst-removable  xs  (R !!) i xs (l z)) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D proj₁ < l , r > i zs))
                                               (subst  xs  (R !!) i xs (l z)) (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D proj₁ < l , r > i zs) (cl i zs z t)))
                                            (≡-subst-removable  xs  (R !!) i xs (l z)) (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D proj₁ < l , r > i zs) (cl i zs z t)))
               (frefl , λ i zs z t  htrans (≡-subst-removable  ys  (S !!) i ys (r z)) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D proj₂ < l , r > i zs))
                                               (subst  ys  (S !!) i ys (r z)) (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D proj₂ < l , r > i zs) (cr i zs z t)))
                                            (≡-subst-removable  ys  (S !!) i ys (r z)) (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D proj₂ < l , r > i zs) (cr i zs z t))) ,
  λ { (spanMorphism (h , c) (hleq , cleq) (hreq , creq)) 
       z  cong₂ _,_ (sym (hleq z)) (sym (hreq z))) ,
       i zs z t  hcong₂-pair
                      (htrans (htrans (≡-subst-removable  xs  (R !!) i xs (l z)) (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D proj₁ < l , r > i zs) (cl i zs z t))
                                      (hsym (cleq i zs z t)))
                              (≡-subst-removable  xs  (R !!) i xs (proj₁ (h z))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D proj₁ h i zs)) (proj₁ (c i zs z t))))
                      (htrans (htrans (≡-subst-removable  ys  (S !!) i ys (r z)) (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D proj₂ < l , r > i zs) (cr i zs z t))
                                      (hsym (creq i zs z t)))
                              (≡-subst-removable  ys  (S !!) i ys (proj₂ (h z))) (sym (Ḟ-map-preserves-comp D proj₂ h i zs)) (proj₂ (c i zs z t))))) }